Chapter 20 |Like being hypnotized|

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Mia puzzles over what she saw on Allison and Lydia's arms

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Mia puzzles over what she saw on Allison and Lydia's arms. She's not sure if it means anything, but she doesn't believe in coincidences. It's been a long time since she learned that coincidences don't exist.

Stiles watches Mia fidget as she searches for Zachary among the other students. If he wanted to do something to her, he would have acted much faster, wouldn't he?

He grabs her hand and squeezes it reassuringly. "Okay, what would a pack of Alphas want with Erica and Boyd?"

"I'm not sure it's them they want..."

Mia nods to Scott's theory. "What good would Betas do them?"

Stiles furrows his brow while heading to economy class with a trainer. "Okay, what, like, Derek? Like they're recruiting?"

"It's possible," Mia replies, and sees Scott turn around to see the twins she's seen at school before. He frowns because it seems as if he sees something strange about them.

"Hey Scott, you coming?" Stiles asks, and then everyone quickly steps up to get to class quickly.

In class, Coach is already sitting on his desk, examining his badly manicured nails, which have dirt under them.

Mia, Scott and Stiles sit close to each other because there's a free space made just for them.

Stiles wonders what's really going on between him and Mia. He'd like to talk to her about it, but he's worried that if they talk about it, it'll go away like dust between them. Maybe it would help if-

"Stilinski!" Coach shouts, and Stiles jerks his head up. "Listen and don't think about...well I better do not want to know about what."

"Sorry," he mutters, then notices Mia's shoulders shake. He doesn't even have to think to realize she's laughing at him a little. "Hey," he whispers, as Coach starts talking about economics again. "Don't laugh. I was thinking of you," he touches her hair and starts playing with it.

Mia stops laughing and Stiles knows her cheeks have turned red, as she turned her head to one side.

"The stock market is based on two principles- what are they?"

Stiles raises an eyebrow when he sees Scott raise his hand in the air. He was aware that he had been studying over the holidays, but he didn't know that much.

"Yes, McCall, you can go to the bathroom. Anybody else?"

Scott stops, showing that he is slightly uncomfortable. "Uh, no, Coach- I know the answer."

Coach starts laughing like he's never heard a better joke in his life. He grabs his stomach and can't stop laughing. A few of the students join in, but Stiles and Mia just stare at him, and Scott looks very uncomfortable. Coach becomes serious. "Oh, you're serious."

Scott gulps. "Yes. Risk and reward."

Coach walks around the room enthusiastically and pats Scott on the shoulder. "Wow! Who are you? And what have you done with McCall?" he asks, then shakes his head. "Don't answer that! I like you better! I like you better!"

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