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The following three days went in peace.

Fiona was stunned that Justin played the part of the perfect husband very well, and he kept his end of the bargain by not making her lie on both of their behalf. But at the same time, she was annoyed because she didn't get any more reason to be angry at him. If he had goofed up, then she could have got an excuse to tell her parents everything, but now something was holding her back from doing so.

So, it only means that she would have to hold up her end of the bargain by waiting two entire months for her notice period to end after she submits her resignation. Fiona was still firm on her decision and also persistent in ending this marriage because she didn't trust Justin.

Not entirely, at least.

She even had good reason to fear that Justin might revert to his old ways when they left Seopol. But now, only time will tell.

After seven days of miscalculated adventure, they finally returned to their city, Pelican. She had a good time at her maternal home. Even though they didn't get to explore anywhere outside of her home because of the piled-up work that all four had to finish, she still felt content. None of them were on official leave, and both Justin and James had an important client to deal with. Much to everyone's amusement, Emily also didn't give much of a hard time to James. Whereas Fiona was concerned, her parents were overjoyed to have her around. Therefore, they didn't leave any stone unturned to pamper her.

As soon as they left Seopol, Justin wanted to talk to Fiona, but he knew that he had to wait until they were alone. All the way, Fiona was quiet and deep in thought. But she still looked at peace.

It was, after all, a well-deserved break for all of them. But Justin was still apprehensive. His hopes were stronger than ever that their marriage had a chance, but now that they were back in Pelican City, he didn't want to have a drastic change in the equation between them for the worse.

It was eleven in the night, and Fiona was way too exhausted. Justin considered seizing the opportunity to speak with Fiona, but she greeted him Goodnight and left for her room.

He sighed in disappointment.

In the car, Emily asked if Fiona wanted to stay with her tonight, but before she could reply, James butted in and managed to redirect the route of the conversation. It was a miracle that Emily didn't ask Fiona again. It was actually a good thing because Emily's support was essential, and she could influence Fiona and help him to give both of them closure on the situation that they were entangled in.

Justin's alarm went off at nine o'clock in the morning. He couldn't wait for the weekend to arrive, but he just had a few more hours to kill before he could spend alone time with Fiona. That would be a perfect opportunity to make Fiona listen to him and prove that he deserved a chance. He knew that he could not force her to accept him, but he truly wanted to persuade her and explore where their relationship could lead them.

Since he got up at nine, he was running late. He usually reaches his office around ten o'clock. When he left his room, he was hoping to find Fiona, but she was nowhere to be found. He assumed that she had gone early. So, he got dressed and left for work. He wanted to meet Fiona first, but unfortunately, one of the management members was waiting for him in his office, so he had to go there first.

After one extensively lengthy hour of discussion, he could finally take a breath and begin his work. When he opened his mail, he was dumbfounded to see the resignation letter from his wife. She did tell him that she would give her notice period, but she never followed through on her statements throughout their stay in Seopol. That alone made him hope that she had decided against her initial decision.

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