Searching Through the Dark Web: Scorpio (m)

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Setting: Both Scorpio and Leo are brothers and police officers. They are assigned to catch the infamous and dangerous serial killer, Aquarius, who has captured Libra with her. The lead officer is Scorpio, who found clues about her using the dark web. And Scorpio is the one who catches Aquarius and fights her...


Scorpio (m) - Lead officer

Leo (m) - Brother of Scorpio, and a police officer 

Aqaurius (f) - Serial killer

Libra (f) - Victim of Aquarius

Third Person POV:

Scorpio was sifting through the cases with Leo when he ran through a cold case. It was titled "Cold Killer" and had a picture of a girl with long blonde hair and bright orange eyes in a glare. Scorpio was sure this was the case he was going to take, something about her menacing look made him even more psyched to save the person she kidnapped. One other factor was that this person was Aquarius, Scorpio's old classmate, someone he hated in school, and now someone he was determined to take down.

"Hey, Leo! I found a case for us to take on" Scorpio said. 

"Is it the one with the "Cold Killer"? You know that no police officer has been able to find her right? Also, the poor girl could be dead by now. It's been weeks" Leo explained.

"I have a feeling Aquarius is still holding her hostage... Whatever, we need to leave immediately. I think I may know where she hid Libra"

Scorpio was aware of one of the secret places Aquarius used to go to when she was in elementary school. Scorpio stumbled upon this place when he accidentally got lost in the forest. He was sure that this was where Libra was kept. 

The boys quickly got into their cars and drove to the place where Libra was abducted. 

Scorpio POV:

Once I parked the car by the trees on the middle of the forest, I looked around my surroundings and found a small hut in the center. When walking over there, I noticed a latch on the door and opened it. Inside, there were stairs leading down into what I assumed was a cellar of some sort. 

I called to Leo. "Hey, Leo. Come over here. There's something I want you to see" I said. 

He came over and gasped at what he saw. "No way. You really think Aquarius kept Libra in here for so long?" He asked. 

"Yes. I'm sure of it. Now, come on, we need to get down there and save Libra"

I walk in first, with Leo behind me, and we descend down the steps. After what seems like hours, we finally reach the bottom and feel our way around the cellar. There are flickering lights flashing above us, the only source of brightness in this place. I notice two rooms. 

"We should split up at this point. If you see something, use your walkie-talkie" I said. 

"Got it"

I make my way to the door on the left. I don't notice anything but security cameras. Weird, it's almost like there was no one here. Once I'm further in the room, the door closes from behind me. Great. Looks like I'm stuck with Aquarius. Let's just get this over with.

"I never I'd see you again, Scorpy" Aquarius seethed. 

"You know how much I hate that nickname"

"I know, but it gets you so riled up... I love it"

There she goes again, forever being the sadist. I knew not to angst her even more, or she'll get even more excited. 

"I only came here to talk, or fight. Whichever you prefer"

She didn't give me an answer, only came striking at me. I dodged all of her attacks, and grasped at the walls for support. She was really fast. 

I take my dagger out and scratch her with them, careful not to hurt her too much, but also enough for some blood to draw out. I then use my hands and put her in a headlock that she can't escape out of. She goes in for a punch but I block her and punch her stomach. She lurches backward and hits the stone walls, and collapses. I hang over limp body, and put handcuffs on her while she's still unconscious. 

Looks like my job here is done. I wonder if Leo got Libra out yet?

"Hey, Leo. You done yet?" I asked.

"Yup, she's unconscious though" 

"So is Aquarius. We need to get them up top"

"Yea, I'll be right behind you"

I carry Aquarius on my back and continue up the steps out of the cellar and bring her to my car. I place her in the backseat and close the door, and she wakes up. 

Knowing that she can't do anything to get out of this situation, she stays silent for the rest of ride back to the station.

Both Leo and I turn in the victim and serial killer, and are promoted up the ranks to detective. 

What a great way to end the cold case that has been plagueing the police.

Author's Note:

I liked adding the idea of Aquarius being an old classmate of Scorpio's. It adds more to why Scorpio felt the need to take on the case in the first place. 

And now, on to the next one!

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