Will You Ever Love Me The Same? Virgo (f) x Taurus (m)

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Setting: Having a crush on your best friend isn't easy; at least, that's what Virgo said. Virgo liked Taurus. Taurus liked...Cancer? The two have been childhood friends ever since they were five years old, and the day Virgo wanted to confess, Taurus asked Cancer out for prom. Virgo couldn't accept the truth anymore and hid her identity. The two lost friends meet once more at university in a cafe.

Virgo POV:

Have you ever had a crush on your best friend? Well, if you have, then we're in the same boat. But, if you haven't, then let me tell you, it ain't easy. I met Taurus back in elementary school and I swear Cupid hit me with her bow and arrow that day. His perfect dark blue hair and strikingly orange eyes always made my heart melt at the sight of them.

He never knew how lucky he was to be that beautfiul, on the inside and the outside. This man really had a golden personality: Proper etiquette, a gentleman, and kind. Everyone who met him instantly had a liking to him, so it's no wonder that I felt the same.

Except he had chosen me to be his best friend. Me to be his rock, me to be his rain, me to be his wind. Me to be everything except a lover to him.

And for that reason, I was sulking in my room the day before prom.

Asking Taurus out to prom as friends is easy as eating a slice of pie. But to confess my feelings for him? I knew I couldn't, but I also knew I didn't have a choice. Taurus was going to leave for New York the day after prom. Deep down inside of me, I knew I had to muster up the courage to ask him out.

The next day.

Prom was in a few hours, but I honestly could not care less. I had to find a certain dark-blue haired man. It took me a few minutes, but I found him regardless. As I was walking towards him, I notice another presence in front of him. It was Cancer: The sweet, kind, and lovable Cancer. Something told me that he was going to ask Cancer a personal question.

And I was right.

"Hey Cancer? Will you go to prom with me?" Taurus asked, charm laced in his voice.

"As friends? Or..." Cancer teased. I honestly didn't want to listen anymore, but I stayed put and listened to their conversation.

"No. As dates. I already picked out corsages for us to match" Taurus said, and my heart lurched.

I knew I was viewed as nothing but a friend to Taurus, but at the same time, it hurt knowing that one person you loved could fall in love with another. That's life I guess, but it's hard to live by.

I definitely did not take the promposal lightly, and quietly but quickly, left for home.

Once I was there, I pressed my face into my pillow and cried until the sun came down. I was rest assured that I would never see Taurus's lovestruck face ever again.

Oh how the tables have turned...

It's been 4 years since prom night, and I could honestly say that I've never been happier. I was happily working in a Journalism company in New York for Fashion Week, and this year I was co-writing the articles on the models that would walk on the runway this year in Paris Vogue Fashion Show.

I was past the stage of having an unrequited crush and just stuck to a single-life schedule, which was going pretty well might I add.

I walk into the cafe that's just around the street to my unviversity and bump into an extremely tall guy.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" I yell at him.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't look where I was going. Are you alright?"

Confusion dotted my face as I recognized the voice from anywhere.


"Virgo? What are you doing here?"

Things went smoothly after that. We went on a few more coffee dates, when Taurus unexpectantly asked me to be his girlfriend. I agreed, and put my past all behind me. Whatever relationship Taurus had before was not my business, and whatever happened next would be our sweet like coffee moment to share.

Author's Note:

Old hearts rekindle as time goes on, preferably how Taurus and Virgo went through theirs. This trope was mostly based on Right Person Wrong Time, mostly for Virgo, as Taurus never saw her as more than a friend before. I liked ending on a semi-ambiguous note. The readers can choose whether they stay together, or impulseivly find someone else. I'm hoping for the former.

And now, we move on to the next one!

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