Chapter 1-1: Woo-oo (Part 1) *EDITED*

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A/N: If there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, pls let me know. It's just me, myself, and I writing and editing this, so I would appreciate it if you could help.

Today marks about a week into summer break

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Today marks about a week into summer break. My brothers just finished 4th grade (they're 10), and I just finished 10th grade (I'm 16). I wake up and get dressed, putting on a white t-shirt and an orange unzipped hoodie, and then do my hair. I brush my bangs forward and the rest tied into a high-up ponytail with my favorite orange hairband, and put on my knee-brace that I have to wear. I put on my penny necklace too, but tuck it under my shirt. Uncle Donald doesn't like it when I wear it, but I don't remember why. I head downstairs for breakfast when I see Huey at the stove.

I cast him a questioning glance, and he responds to my unspoken question, "I'm cooking Uncle Donald some breakfast for his big job interview today."

I shrug and make a bowl of cereal and sit down at the kitchen table, then something pops into my head, "Where is Uncle Donald anyways?"

Just then, I hear him screaming, and look to see him running into the kitchen wearing his sailor outfit and a towel around his waist like he just got out of the shower, and Louie on Uncle Donald's back holding a suit and yanking on his sailor getup.

I hear Louie exclaims, "Come on! Hold still, Uncle Donald!"

Uncle Donald yells at him to get off of him, and Huey looks at Uncle Donald and says, "Good morning, Uncle Donald."

I say right after, "Morning."

Louie yanks Uncle Donald's sailor getup off of him and says, "You can't wear this to your job interview!"

He shoves the sailor getup into the dishwasher and turns it on, causing Uncle Donald to yelp, "My uniform!"

He starts yanking on it, trying to pull it out of the dishwasher.

Louie says, "You gotta dress for the job you want, not the job you have, which is no job."

I cast him a glare and say, "Maybe so, but you don't have to be so rude about it."

The sleeve that Uncle Donald was pulling on slipped out of his grip and landed on a burner on the stove, catching fire. He manages to push it into the sink, putting out the fire.

He finally notices that Huey is at the stove, saying to him, "Huey, don't touch the stove. You'll get hurt!"

Uncle Donald's sleeve then somehow gets itself out of the sink and slaps him in the face.

Huey responds, "But it's a big day, and a big day calls for a big breakfast."

He places what he's been cooking onto a plate, then shows the plate to Uncle Donald. On the plate, it has 'We believe in you Uncle Donald' written in ketchup on the bottom of the plate, the top of the plate has a fish with a cooked egg for it's eye. Uncle Donald groans in disgust, then the egg deflates, and Huey throws the plate, shattering it. I hand Uncle Donald a bowl of cereal, and Huey finally notices that Uncle Donald's sailor getup is wet.

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