Chapter 1-17: Day of the Only Child

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A/N: I don’t really like this episode, but I wanted to include it anyways. It wasn’t much fun to write either, but… eh, it’s done.

I wake up to Webby yelling across the hall in my brothers’ room and run in to find her tackling him, exclaiming, “Give it up, Dew-pelganger! Where?! Is?! Dewey?!”

I peel a surprisingly strong Webby off of a spooked Dewey, and I say, “Webby, what are you doing?!”

Huey and Louie run into the room as well, and Huey adds, “Webby, stop! That is Dewey!”

Louie adds, “He’s just doing a Dewey thing!”

Webby stops struggling in my arms at that, saying, “Oh.”

I let go of her, and Dewey stands up, dusting himself off.

He says, “Thank you, good Samaritans. You’ve restored my faith in random strangers.”

I ask, “Huh? What are you talking about?”

Huey says, “Not even an hour in, and your stupid ‘Only Child Day’ has already almost gotten one of us killed.”

I say, “Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. Just please give me a few minutes to wake up before shouting at each other if we ever do another Only Child Day.”

Webby asks, “Only what now?”

Dewey delightedly says, “It’s a beautiful holiday.”

Huey adds, “That he made up.”

Dewey continues, “Where, for a whole day, we got to be sibling-free and do all the amazing things that an only child gets to do! Make our marks on the world!”

Louie adds, “Not have to answer to anyone!”

I half heartedly add, “Not have to stop anyone from accidentally killing themselves with their own stupidity or curiosity.”

Huey adds, “Be horribly alone?”

Dewey exclaims, “For once!”

Huey shows Webby a calendar he made on his Waddle tablet, saying, “He’s been threatening to do it for years, but I never thought he could get into my password-protected sibling calendar.”

Dewey says, “I have my ways.”

I say to Huey, “You know, your password isn’t that hard to guess when you use your birthdate for everything. You should probably change that.”

Huey grunts, then adds, “Of course he put it on the day I need them both; the annual Junior Woodchuck Three Man Cookout.”

Louie groans, “Boring.”

Dewey adds, “Ugh, teamwork.”

I say, “And I can’t help because I have to supervise the cookout instead and make sure Launchpad doesn’t blow himself up.”

Louie says, “Well, as the now sole heir to Scrooge’s fortune, I can finally make friends with Doofus Drake, the richest kid in Duckburg. He only mingles with other obscenely rich heirs, so…”

He shrugs, and Huey says, “What a snob.”

Dewey adds, “He’s the worst.”

I add, “I’m pretty sure I heard that he accidentally killed someone last year at his birthday party.”

Louie gasps, then asks Webby, “You see the judgement that I have to lie with?” He then says to me, Huey, and Dewey, “Well today, your heartless criticism can’t deny me my dream of being shamelessly spoiled!”

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