Chapter 1-3: Escape To/From Atlantis

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A/N: If there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, pls let me know. It's just me, myself, and I writing and editing this, so I would appreciate if you could help.

Sitting down in one of the submarine's seats, I hear Scrooge talking to Uncle Donald over the phone. He had to go above the sub to get service.

I hear him say to Uncle Donald, "I run a multi-trillion dollar business. I can handle a few juveniles for the weekend. You just focus on this new job of yours, and Izzy can help me watch the boys. Besides, I've got a pretty low key day planned."

I snicker a little bit at his last sentence. I saw a blue blur moving in the corner of my vision, and turn my head to see Dewey climbing up the ladder to the top of the sub. He sneaks a peek at me, and I shake my head, trying to warn him not to do what I already knew he'd do. He rolled his eyes and continued climbing the ladder, determination written on his face, and I let out a sigh.

Once he got to the top, I heard him shout, "Hoist the mast sail! Other boat words! To Atlantis! Dive, dive!"

Scrooge covered the receiver on the phone so Uncle Donald couldn't hear what Dewey yelled.

He yelped, "No, wait!"

Launchpad only listened to Dewey, though, replying, "Aye, aye."

He dove the submarine into the water, not noticing that the hatch Dewey and Scrooge had gone through was open.

Scrooge yelled, "Launchpad, the hatch! Stop the-"

Water started seeping into the sub before he could finish his sentence, gurgling a bit at the end when water got into his mouth. Louie and Webby started using the pump floor drain, pumping the water out of the sub.

Scrooge quickly closed the hatch before any more water got in, and tossed his phone to Louie, saying in an annoyed voice, "Talk to your uncle."

Louie started lying, "Hey Uncle Donald. Nope, yeah, pretty boring. We napped rubbed ointment on our joints, old people stuff."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to them to try to grab the phone.

Webby exclaimed, "What about the dragon? And the plane crash? And-"

Louie interrupted her, "Whoops, 3pm, time for dinner. Bye!"

Webby glared at Louie as he tossed the phone over to me. I fumbled a bit before catching it, walking over to Scrooge and giving him his phone back.

He turned to Launchpad and asked, "Launchpad, have you ever piloted a sub before?"

Launchpad responded, "I sunk a helicopter in a wave pool once. Same thing?"

I esclaimed, incredulously, "How is that, in any way, the same thing? They're not even remotely similar!"

Scrooge shrugged and responded, "Eh, I've done more with less. No matter, I'm back!" He suddenly struck a heroic pose before continuing, "Uncharted territory, bold new discoveries-"

Huey interrupted him, shouting, "Travel bingo!"

He had on a new shirt, one that he had made specially for this trip. It was red, and had a picture of the submarine we're in right now on front of it.

Huey continued with enthusiasm, "I love road trips! I've got snacks, a playlist of tradition sea shanties, matching family road trip shirts!"

He pulled a shirt that matched his own over Scrooge, handing one to me, this one being orange.

I asked him while putting on the shirt, "When did you have time to make these?"

Before he could answer, Scrooge pulled the shirt Huey put on him off, saying, "I appreciate the enthusiasm, but there's no time."

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