Chapter 1-7: The Great Dime Chase

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A/N: If there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, pls let me know. It's just me, myself, and I writing and editing this, so I would appreciate it if you could help.

Today was meant to be a lazy day. I was starting to crochet a blanket on the couch in the living room and watching the TV with Louie. We were watching one of his favorite shows, and once the episode ended, this new show 'Ottoman Empire' started playing.

I wasn't really paying attention to what was being said on the TV until Louie groaned and said, "Ugh. This show is so dumb!"

Uncle Scrooge overheard that and walked over to Louie, saying, "You could always turn off the telly."

Louie replied, "Oh, the remote's way over there."

It was on the couch between us.

Louie lazily reached out a hand to grab it, but quit and said, "Oh, forget it."

I rolled my eyes, set down my crochet stuff, and grabbed the remote, turning off the TV.

I mutter, "Lazy, bro. Very lazy."

I went back to my crocheting, and Uncle Scrooge raised an eyebrow, asking, "Any big plans for today?"

I raise my arms with my crochet stuff, and Louie yawns before replying, "Thought I might move to the big TV in a few hours. You know." Louie burps, opens a can of Pap, and takes a single sip before asking, "Hey, do we have any more Pep?"

Uncle Scrooge exclaimed, "You've got 6 full cans right there!"

Louie replied, "I only like that first sip. Peak carbonation. Never mind, I'll call Beakley."

He pulls out his phone, but it doesn't turn on.

He says, "Oh, man. My phone's dead. Guess I gotta buy a new one."

Uncle Scrooge stated, "Just charge it!"

Louie replies, "Eh, this one's three months old anyway."

I pull out my phone and say, "Mine is three years old, doofus. I still charge it!"

Louie rolls his eyes and states, "Who cares? We're rich!"

Uncle Scrooge grabs Louie by the scruff of his sweatshirt, lifting him off the couch, exclaiming, "No, I'm rich! That's it, laddie. You're coming to the office to learn the value of a hard day's work."

I shrug my shoulders and say, "Actually, I'm kinda curious what you do. Can I come too?"

Uncle Scrooge looks shocked that I wanted to come, and gives me this weird look of recognition, then agrees. I go ask my other brothers and Webby if they want to come. Huey is the only one who stays home, though Dewey and Webby are acting suspicious. We get into the limo, and Launchpad drives us to the Money Bin, terrifying all of the passengers except Uncle Scrooge.

Once we arrive at the Bin, Launchpad crashes the front of the limo into the wall, stating, "You have arrived at your destination."

Louie keeps groaning, and Uncle Scrooge says to Launchpad, "Be back at six, Launchpad. We have a long day of work ahead of us."

Launchpad nods and drives off.

Dewey suddenly states, "Thanks for letting us tag along, Uncle Scrooge, but I suddenly very much have to use... the bathroom."

He lightly elbows Webby, and she suddenly adds, "Oh, and I will show you where to go to that place."

We all watch them walk away before shrugging it off. Louie tries sneaking off, but Uncle Scrooge uses his cane to grab hold of Louie's sweatshirt, dragging him off while I follow behind. We enter an elevator and end up on the top floor where Uncle Scrooge's office is. He leads us over to a vault-like door and opens it, revealing -

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