Chapter 1-22: The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck

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A/N: I don't know if you guys are emotionally ready for this chapter. I definitely wasn't emotionally prepared to write it. Some devestating secrets are being revealed to Izzy, so prepare thineself, and bring tissues. Izzy's gonna get hurt in more ways than one.

Uncle Scrooge snuck us out of the mansion into the Jeep, and made us promise not to tell Uncle Donald where we're going, despite not telling us anything about it in the first place. We make it all the way to the misty moors of Scotland before Uncle Scrooge says, "Remember, kids. No sudden movements, no eye contact, and if you're cornered, the heartless heathens will give you no quarter."

No quarter? What does that mean? From the context, I'm guessing it means mercy. I've heard pirates say that on TV shows, but after meeting actual pirates, I'm not sure the ones on TV are entirely accurate.

Louie says, "This does not sound like a fun trip."

Huey adds, "Misty moors, vague warnings, sneaking out behind Uncle Donald's back; can you just please tell us where we're going?"

I add, "Yeah, I'm getting nervous. You're usually not quite so cryptic on adventures.

Uncle Scrooge mutters, "The less you know, the better."

I sarcastically say, "Oh yeah, now I'm completely reassured."

After a couple more minutes of driving, Launchpad crashes the Jeep into a tall statue, saying, "Found it."

We get out of the vehicle, and Uncle Scrooge says, "Launchpad, hide the Jeep in the moors."

I ask, "Are you finally going to tell us where we are and why we're here?"

Uncle Scrooge nods, explaining, "Every five years, the mists of Dismal Downs part enough to reveal the home of the Knights Templar. Brace yourselves, kids. Primordial menace lurks here, the most treacherous terror I've ever faced."

A duck man and woman exit the castle we stand outside of,  and the man shouts an all-too-familiar phrase, "Oi! Jettison that jalopy from my driveway this instant, you deadbeat!"

Uncle Scrooge slouches upon seeing them, muttering, "Daddy. Mummy."

His mom hugs him excitedly, exclaiming, "Scroogie!"

His dad simply says, "Son."

I ask, "Wait, does that make them our great-grandparents?"

Uncle Scrooge's mom approaches us, exclaiming, "Ooh! Look at your wee bairns; finally I get to meet ye!"

She attempts to hug my brothers and I in one go, but my brothers squirm away and run, leaving me to get unwanted cheek kisses from a relative I've never met.

I squirm out of her grasp and wipe her old-lady slobber off my cheeks, running after my brothers, Louie in particular, asking sarcastically, "What, you don't want slobbery great-grandma kisses?"

Louie exclaims, "Nope, I'm fine! Thank you, though!"

I finally stop chasing my brothers after around a minute or two, and ask, "Wait, what are your names?"

Uncle Scrooge's mom responds, "I'm Downy McDuck, and your grumpy great-grandfather over there is Fergus McDuck."

I say, "Cool old-timey names. Can I call you Granny Downy?"

Downy's smile widens, and she responds, "I'd be happy to let ye call me that, dear." She opens the doors to the castle and leads us to a dining room, saying, "Welcome, all of you, to Castle McDuck!"

Huey exclaims to Uncle Scrooge, "Your parents are alive?!"

Louie adds, "I can't believe you're still alive."

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