Chapter 1-19: The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains

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One night, Uncle Scrooge asks my brothers and I to join him at a Gala to celebrate the opening of a new wing of the Duckburg National History Museum. My brothers and uncle are wearing suits, and I'm wearing an orange sequined dress Uncle Scrooge gave me.

Huey asks, "So why are we at the Gala for the Flintheart Glomgolf wing of the National History Museum?"

I add, "Yeah, I thought he was, like, your worst enemy, and now we're here to celebrate him? I don't get it."

Dewey adds, "Ugh, yeah! And look at this tacky setup! Somebody is trying way too hard." A waiter walks by, and he says in his best 'fancy' voice, "I'll have a virgin peach julep in your fanciest glass, thank you."

The server sighs and walks away.

Louie says, "All these trinkets are just from times Glomgold lost to you! A pebble from the lost city of El Dorado. A singed kilt from that fire pit in Crockatoa."

Huey adds, gesturing at a large, impossible skeleton, "And this 'Glomasuarus Rex' is clearly just a bunch of random parts stuck together. Honestly, how could you know it wore a crown?"

I smirk, asking, "How could you know it didn't?" Huey glares at me, and I chuckle, adding, "Just try to suspend your disbelief for a few hours, Hue."

Dewey asks, "So what are we doing here anyway?"

Uncle Scrooge explains, "As upstanding citizens of note, it's our responsibility to support Duckburg's cultural institutions... And these cocktail weenies are on Glomgold's dollar."

He starts stuffing food from the buffet table in plastic bags and hiding them in his coat pockets, and Louie asks, "Aren't you rich? Why do you need free food."

Uncle Scrooge responds, "I didn't get rich by wasting money, I got rich by beating my enemies!" He takes a large bite of a Vienna sausage, adding, "Stock up, kids!"

Louie starts scratching at his neck, saying, "Ugh, these custom suits are the worst! I think I'm getting a rash!"

Uncle Scrooge says through bites, "Mm, nope, that's the plastic lining. Saves on dry cleaning, and you lose less dip."

He pours dip directly into one of Louie's pockets, and I start packing cubes of cheese and some chips into my dress's large plastic-lined pockets.

Dewey unties his bowtie and says cheerfully after our pockets are stuffed, "It's not the cut of the suit, it's how you wear it! Take my playfully loose bowtie. Is he coming? Is he going? Did he party so hard it just flew open?!"

Suddenly, Uncle Scrooge gasps when a duck woman in a long golden dress appears at the top of the stairs. She makes eye contact with him while he remains frozen in shock, and makes her way over to him.

I ask, "Who is she?"

Louie adds, "A cursed villain?"

Dewey adds, "A villainous curse?"

Huey adds, "A... uh..." He sighs, then exclaims, "Man, I hate going third!"

Uncle Scrooge responds finally, "Worse. It's my ex!"

Huey asks, "Your ex?"

I add, "As in, your ex-girlfriend?"

Uncle Scrooge responds, "Ex-partner, ex-rival, ex-everything." The duck woman finally reaches us, and Uncle Scrooge adds in a low tone, "Watch your wallets, wee ones."

The woman says in mock shock, "Please, Scrooge! I would steal from children! Well, u nless they had something I really wanted, or I was bored, or-"

Uncle Scrooge interrupts her, grumbling, "Goldie O'Gilt, the Ice Queen of Dawson. I thought I heard the clatter of cloven hooves!"

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