Chapter 1-5: Daytrip of Doom

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A/N: I'm back from the dead! Sorry for the long wait, but thank you all for being patient. My life has been hectic lately, but it's finally getting more manageable. Enjoy the new chapter! If there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, pls let me know. It's just me, myself, and I writing and editing this, so I would appreciate if you could help.

Yesterday, we went on a trip to Atlantis. Today, Louie and I were woken at 7am by getting hit in the face with foam darts that Webby, Huey, and Dewey shot. Webby was happy to finally have friends, so she wanted to play games with us that she never could before, like Darts (or as she calls it, 'Death Darts').

She had already woken up Huey and Dewey, and got them to wake me and Louie up with a surprise attack. I shielded Louie from a second wave, and threw a pillow at Webby. She and the other boys ran out of the room, then came back with 2 more dart guns, tossing them at us. We caught them, then ran out of the room to chase the other kids, with Louie and I teaming up.

Mrs. B almost got hit a few times, but she had fast reflexes. Uncle Scrooge almost got hit when he left his room, but he used a tea tray that Mrs. B brought up as a shield. The tea set went flying into the air, but Mrs. B caught it.

Louie and I passed them and Louie exclaimed, "Good hand, Beakley!"

I added, "Nice catch!"

We both dodged Dewey and Huey's darts, then returned fire and chased after them. Louie and I nodded at each other in silent conversation, splitting up to find the others. I found Huey and ran after him, and Webby joined me in chasing him.

He eventually made it to the foyer, dropping his dart gun and shouting, "The foyer is a safe zone! The foyer is a safe- Ah!"

Webby tackled him, pointing her dart gun at him.

She replied, "This is no foyer. This is a tomb."

She shot Huey in the tail, making him exclaim, "Ow! My tailbone!"

She turned to me, pointing her gun at me. I ran to get back to Louie, and found him and Dewey laying on the ground pretending to be dead.

I groan, "Oh, come on!"

I turn around to find Webby running towards me.

I exclaim, "No, please! I give up! You win!"

She tackled me just like she did to Huey, but just before she was going to shoot me, we heard Uncle Scrooge shout, "HOUSE MEETING! NOW!"

Webby shot me in the back, then dropped her gun as she saw Louie and Dewey get up, and Huey walking over to us. Uncle Donald came over to us soon after, leading us to a room that had a huge table. We all sat down and started to talk and joke with each other, not noticing Uncle Scrooge bring in a huge board covered in cloth. Uncle Scrooge smacked the board with his cane, silencing everyone.

He said, "Alright, time for some house rules."

He pulled off the cloth, revealing a chalkboard that had text written on it. In capital letters, 'HOUSE RULES' and in smaller letters underneath were some numbered rules. I wasn't able to read it from where I was sitting, but I had a feeling that Uncle Scrooge would explain them.

I was proven right, and he started reading from the chalkboard pointing where he was reading from with his cane, "Rule 1: My space is MY space. My study, my sleeping quarters-"

He looked at us, and saw Uncle Donald roll his eyes.

He continued, "My washroom. Rule 2: Defer to Mrs. Beakley for all subsequent rules."

He took his cane away from the chalkboard.

As he started walking out of the room, passing Mrs. B, he stated, "I'm pleased to have you here, as long as it in no way inconveniences me. Good day!"

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