Chapter 1-16: The Spear of Selene

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On our way home from a rare adventure with Uncle Donald, we fly into storm clouds. Thunder crashes, and we all scream, and I anxiously rock back and forth in my seat as Uncle Donald holds my hand trying to calm me down even though I can tell he's worried, too.

Launchpad says, "Aw, come on. A little lightning never killed anyone."

Huey says, "Statistically speaking -"

Launchpad swerves around the storm clouds, then says, "See? Nothing to worry about."

Webby asks, "What about that flashing red light?"

Launchpad says, "Huh? That's probably the... 'everything is fine' light."

Dewey asks, "Okay, but hypothetically, what if it's the 'everything is not fine' light?"

Launchpad gasps, exclaiming, "Oh, no!"

I close my eyes as the Sunchaser crashes, and cautiously open my eyes once the plane stops moving to see Uncle Donald shielding me with his body. I hug him tightly, and the back hatch of the plane opens.

I hold Uncle Donald's hand as we exit the plane, and I ask, "W- where are we?"

Huey opens his Guidebook, explaining, "According to the JWG, we're off the tip of Greece, and- Wait, this can't be right. I thought this place was a myth."

Louie asks, "What? What is this place?"

Uncle Scrooge growls, "Ithaquack."

Uncle Donald exclaims, "What?!"

Louie exclaims, "It's gorgeous!"

Dewey points at something, exclaiming, "Look at that!"

Uncle Donald pulls me into the plane, exclaiming, "No, no, no, no. We gotta go now!"

Uncle Scrooge orders Launchpad, "Get this plane in the air!"

Launchpad says, "Sorry, Mr. McD. Gotta figure out what this flashing light means. I always say, 'better to be safe than... whatever the opposite of safe is'. Yeah, I do say that."

Uncle Scrooge exclaims, "When have you ever said that?!"

Webby says, "Hmm... Might as well take a look around."

She runs off with Dewey and Huey and Louie run off in separate directions.

Uncle Donald exclaims, "No, get back here!"

Uncle Scrooge orders, "Everyone, stay on the plane!"

Louie says, "See ya!"

Huey adds, "Bye-bye!"

Uncle Donald and I race around the island, trying to find my brothers. I find Huey cataloguing the lion-crabs and grab his hand, pulling him along with me back to the plane, where Uncle Donald is bringing Louie back.

He says, "We have to get back to the plane. You don't know what's out there."

Louie asks, "What could be dangerous about a beautiful Grecian vacation island?"

Just as he says that, a large blur tackles Uncle Donald.

When they stop moving, the blur is revealed to be a large, muscular stork guy in a toga hugging Uncle Donald as he exclaims, "Haha! Hyah! Haha! Huzzah! Kyah! Oh, glorious day. May the fates sing of your return, friend Donald, sailor of the seven seas!"

Uncle Donald reluctantly says, "Hiya, buddy."

The stork gasps, his excited glare going back and forth between me and my brothers and Uncle Donald, asking, "Be these colorful creatures your kin? By Hephestuses's Hammer, half-grown heroes in the making! Why, the one in orange looks just like Della!"

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