Chapter 1-6: The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest

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A/N: Sorry for the long hiatus. I was losing interest in writing for a few months because of school and a surgery I had, but I'm back. I'll try to post at least one more chapter after this one before New Years. If there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, pls let me know. It's just me, myself, and I writing and editing this, so I would appreciate if you could help.

We've been living in Uncle Scrooge's mansion since the start of summer break, and we've been getting more accustomed to our new living situation. I've started having deja vu in certain parts of the mansion, and I've been having weird dreams that feel more like long forgotten memories.

Once I wake up from the dreams, I'm crying and can barely remember what happened in them, but I've started to keep a dream journal. The second I wake up from one of those dreams, I write down as much as I can remember. The first month or so, it was the same dream. That dream was mostly just Uncle Donald and Mom whisper-yelling at each other.

They were saying something about Uncle Donald not wanting her to go off in some type of ship, and when I step into the room and they see me, the dream ends. The dream after that was me sitting on Uncle Scrooge's lap while he draws some type of blueprint on his desk, and him showing them to me occasionally.

I can never remember what is on the blueprints when I wake up, but I remember how Uncle Scrooge asked me not to tell Uncle Donald about them, that they're a surprise for Mom. The most recent dream is Uncle Donald yelling at Uncle Scrooge, a feeling of loss, and Uncle Donald pushing a stroller with 3 eggs in it, grabbing my hand and leaving the mansion with us.

That one is the most vivid, and I can remember more details about it than the other ones. I can't remember what happened to Mom, or even when it happened, and whenever I or my brothers asked Uncle Donald what happened to her, he tears up and just tells us that she's gone, and probably won't be back. I try not to think about it anymore, but these recurring dreams are making it harder to push off.

I'm almost tempted to ask Uncle Scrooge about what happened, but I just get this feeling that he'll act just like Uncle Donald does. Anyways, Christmas is today. I wanted to spend this Christmas relaxing with some hot chocolate and sharing presents with each other under the Christmas tree, but that didn't end up happening. Uncle Scrooge wanted to spend our first Christmas together by going on another adventure.

Uncle Donald didn't want to come (obviously), so the rest of us got on a plane headed to Mt. Neverrest. The goal? To be the first to climb to the top of the mountain. I decided to take a nap on the way, but was startled awake by the plane hitting the ground and getting buried in snow. Launchpad was launched out, and started to dig out the door so we could get out.

In the meantime, Uncle Scrooge started reading from a book of the world's deadliest mountains, though it sounded just like when he monologues, "Mt. Neverrest, the highest peak in the world. Most prized of the seven summits, Neverrest has claimed the world's finest explorers. It is said to be completely unclimbable, but now that smug stack of stalagmites has to deal with Scrooge McDuck."

Louie seemed to share my distaste for doing this on Christmas, and he said, "Right. So instead of spending Christmas in a billionaire's mansion waiting for Santa Claus-"

Uncle Scrooge interrupted him, "That man is not allowed in my home."

I was confused and said, "Ooookay?"

He turned his head, and rudely stated, "He knows what he did."

Louie continued, "We're following an old man up Mt. Certain Doom here?"

Huey corrects him, "Oh, Mt. Neverrest is three times deadlier than Mt. Certain Doom."

I raise an unimpressed eyebrow, and say, "You know he was being sarcastic, right? A rhetorical question that didn't need to be answered or corrected?"

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