Chapter 1-11: The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks

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Uncle Scrooge brought me, Huey, and Dewey to the Duckburg Billionaire's Club with the promise he'd take us to the store after. Glomgold ended up being there, and they started some sort of staring contest, which has been going on for an hour. I've just been listening to music quietly and playing on my phone, waiting for it to be over.

I pull out one of my earbuds as Huey asks, "Are we going to the store, or..."

Scrooge says, "Quiet. I'm in the middle of a vision-based battle of wills."

Dewey asks, "So it's a staring contest?"

Glomgold starts looking away, explaining, "It's not just a staring contest. It's a -" He realizes what he's doing and looks at Scrooge again, exclaiming, "Nice try McDuck, but your family bickering will never get me to look away. Never!"

I look at Dewey, saying, "Yes, Dew. It's a staring contest."

An usher walks in and leads me, Huey, and Dewey to the door, saying, "Excuse me, this area of the Duckburg Billionaire's Club is only for our elite members. The creme de la creme, the finest ducks in Duckburg."

As he opens the door and we leave the room, Mark Beaks enters.

Huey gasps, "Is that...?"

Mark Beaks nonchalantly responds, "Yup."

The door shuts behind him, and the usher places us in the 'kid-check' area despite me not being a kid. Mark Beaks has been in the news a lot lately with his mysterious Project Ta-Dah being revealed soon. He's been gaining popularity lately on social media. Huey idolizes him, and I kinda get why.

Huey is very interested in robotics and engineering lately, so Mark Beaks being incredibly successful in that field really speaks to him. I just don't feel all that drawn to his personality. Even on social media, he comes off as arrogant and controlling, so I don't really understand why he's so popular. Maybe that's just me, though. I kind of have a tendency to read too far into things.

Huey exclaims, "That was Mark Beaks! He's right in there! Oh man, I'm almost breathing the same air as him!" He inhales deeply, adding, "Oh, inginuity."

Dewey says, "C'mon, like I couldn't be a young, influential business guy!" Huey laughs, and I deadpan a look at him. Dewey asks, "What?"

Huey says, "Oh, ohh... You were serious? It's just, you're more the 'crazy, irresponsible fun guy' than the 'serious, brilliant, successful guy'."

I keep giving Huey the same look as Dewey says, "You don't know! At least I'm not the 'guy who reads about people who do stuff' guy. I could be a bigger deal than Beaks in three years tops."

He grabs the helmet from the suit of armor next to him and puts it on as the armor collapses.

He says to the usher, "I'll pay for that in three years. I am very sorry."

I ask my brothers, "Why are you both being so rude to each other today? I swear, you guys are best friends one minute and at each other's throats the next."

Dewey shrugs, saying, "It's just a brother thing, I guess." Huey nods in agreement.

Beaks walks backward out the door, exclaiming, "Keep makin' dat money, y'all. See you in two million dollars and counting!" He closes the door and mutters, "Stuck-up old money duddies. Don't even have a social media presence."

Dewey says, "Mr. Beaks, I'm Dewey, future astronaut, president, and -"

Huey interrupts him, exclaiming, "Can you sign this? You're my hero and a genius!"

I roll my eyes at my brothers and simply say, "And I'm their older sister. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir."

Beaks says, "You three! I like how much you like me. That shows real smarts. Come by the offices, and I'll hook you up with a tour. Maybe an after-school job?"

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