Chapter 1-12: The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra

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Uncle Scrooge said that he finally pinpointed the location of the pyramid of the Pharoah Toth-Ra, and Launchpad crashed right behind it. The second I stepped outside, I felt like I stepped in mud.

I called, "Uh, Uncle Scrooge?! I think I'm standing in quicksand!"

The rest of the family jumped out of the plane after me, only to step in the quicksand as well.

Louie kept struggling, and Webby yelled, "Don't move too much! You'll sink quicker!"

Louie ignored her, and he was up to his shoulder in the sand, whimpering. I tried to swim over to him, and ended up sinking to my hip. Everyone moved over to us, and we all sunk up to our heads.

Webby yelled, "Everyone hold your breath, and keep your mouths shut!"

We followed her instructions, but Louie screamed as he sank. It was quiet and dark as I swam through the sand in the direction the pyramid was, and swimming up. My hand finally burst through the top of the sand, and I pulled myself out, catching my breath after a few minutes of being under the sand. I wheezed while attempting to catch my breath, and felt that I couldn't take in enough air.

I saw Huey staring in worry at me, and I pointed at my throat since I couldn't talk. He knew what to do and grabbed my inhaler from his bag, handing it to me. I shook it and took a puff, taking as deep a breath in as I could. I held my breath for ten seconds and let it out, then repeated the process, finally able to breathe again.

Uncle Scrooge looked at me with a concerned expression, and I said, "I have athsma, too. Thanks, Huey."

Scrooge looked away from me, instead staring at the hyroglyphics on the wall, a guilty expression on his face. The same one I saw when I told him about my bad knees. I think he feels guilty for not knowing about it, but I don't know why he would feel like that. It's not like he's the one who caused my medical issues. I finally see Louie pulling himself out of the sand, coughing out sand.

Webby says to him, "And that's why you don't scream while sinking in quicksand."

Louie exclaims, "Webby, please don't tell me how to die!"

I say, "Webby, that was some pretty quick thinking. How did you know what to do in quicksand?"

Webby responds, "I've read all about ancient pyramids. I'll show you guys in ins and outs."

Louie coughed out more sand, saying, "Would love to focus on the outs."

I hit his back gently to help him get the sand out, like you do with a baby to help them burp or throw up.

I say, "I learned a bit about pyramids and Pharoahs in my history class a few months ago, but I didn't really learn much about quicksand."

Uncle Scrooge suddenly exclaims, "I was right! The Tomb of Toth-Ra, Bringer of the Sun."

I say, "Isn't any Phoaroh with the suffix 'Ra' a sun god?"

Uncle Scrooge nods, continuing, "I've been searching for decades, and -"

Launchpad interrupts him, taking a bite of his burrito.

Uncle Scrooge exclaims, "Launchpad!"

Launchpad asks, "Mm. Did you want a bite?"

Uncle Scrooge says, "This is the last of the lost pyramids. Show some respect."

Launchpad takes another bite, adding with his mouth full, "Sorry, Mr. McD."

Dewey exclaims, "Oh, man! What if there's a whole army of mummies down here?"

Huey says, "Unlikely. Mummification was an excitement process meant for royalty. It'd be rare for there to be more than one mummy."

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