Ch. 16: Loosing You

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Ashley's P.O.V

There was an awkward silence as I stood there in between Harry and Javadd, eyeing them both with cautiousness. I mean just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, something always has to happen to prove me wrong. Something tells me that this baby project well be more stressful than I thought, and not because of Marie, which is quite ironic. If anything the hint of childish behaviors comes from Harry and Javadd themselves. I wonder if it's too late to become a single parent?

"Uhh. Haha. Yea! Babies!" I heard Niall yell awkwardly as he hinted on breaking the silence. "Who's up for ice cream? Anyone?"





"Let's just go." Louis whispered.

Soon enough everyone speed walked down the gym, towards the door and disappeared once they reached the hallway, leaving me with my newborn fake baby to deal with the awkward tension.

"Well. Umm. If you excuse me." I coughed. "Me and Marie will be heading home now. Bye boys."

I kid you not, I practically ran from them, as I made my way down the halls, leading myself towards the schools exit. Once having stepped foot outside, I took a deep breathe, exhaling and inhaling to calm my nerves. Those two were going to be the death of me. Most likely Harry, since he makes me want to pull my hair out, but either way, I was going through a living hell.

I looked down at Marie, who was sleeping I believe, and cradled her in my arms as I began to walk down the sidewalk towards home when suddenly a black Range Rover pulled up besides me.

"Looks like you need a ride babe." The husky voice said.


"Harry? You have a car?" I asked in disbelief.

"Why do you sound so surprised?"

"Because I find it hard to believe that someone like you actually has a license. I mean they give you responsibility for being behind the wheel. The world has done a crucial mistake." I blabbered.

"Ouch." He pouted. "Just for your information Ash, I am very responsible. Like anyone else in this universe."

"Mhm." I giggled.

"I'm serious. Now can you and my child please hop on?"

"I'm too young to die. If you don't mind I'd rather die elsewhere than with someone like you Harold."

"It's Harry love and I'd really appreciate if you'd let me give you a ride home. Just listen to me for once. Your walking with MY baby for christ's sake!"






"For fucks sake Ash. If you don't get in, I will personally get you in here by force."

"Violent much?"


Out of nowhere, the sound of a car horn was heard, cutting off Harry from his sentence as a black Bentley came into view.

"Hello love!" Javadd smiled. "Need a lift?"

I looked over at Javadd with a small smirk appearing on my face, as I turned to look at Harry shooting him a wink.

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