Ch. 2: Reincarnation

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Marcel's P.O.V

"What?! Dead?!"

"You must be Marcel Edwardz, pleasure to meet you." The man shakes my hand. "I'm Johnny."

"Yes, I'm Marcel Edwards." 

"Welcome, Mr. Edwardz." He greeted.

"What's with the Z at the end of my last name?" I ask confused. 

"You know, double the Z, double the FLAVOR!" Johnny said in a prancing way.

"What?! NO! My name is Marcel Edwards. With an S at the end. Not a Z."

"Wait what? Edwards?"

"Yes." I say.

"Oh?" He raises an eyebrow. "Can you hold here for just a sec? Thanks mate."

Johnny's P.O.V

I rushed down the hall to the other room to talk to my partner, Harvey.

"HARVEY!" I yell.

"What Johnny?" He responds.

"Idiot! You killed the WRONG MARCEL!"

"What? That's impossible." Harvey chuckles nervously. "I was told that Marcel Edwardz time was up."

"No you idiot! You took Marcel Edwards! Not MARCEL EDWARDZ!" I yell at him. "You had ONE job and you ruined it."

"WHAT! No? You're joking! Right?" He laughs.

"Does it look like I'm joking?" 

"What are we going to do?"

"I don't know." I shake my head not knowing how exactly I can fix this.  "Just go with what I say, understood."

"Ok." Harvey uttered out, sweat forming on his forehead. 

Marcel's P.O.V

Johnny walked back into the room, this time accompanied by another chubby looking man nearly bald with a blonde beard, all dressed in white like Johnny.

"Marcel, this here is my partner Harvey." He introduces. 

"How ya do?" Harvey asked.

"Well let's see...." Pause. "I'M DEAD!"

"Now now boy" Johnny butts in. "You see, me and Harvey need to tell you a funny story. Have you seen The Hangover?"


"It's FUNNIER THAN THAT!" Harvey laughs.


"Have you seen Titanic?"


"Its SADDER THAN THAT." Harvey points out.

"So how this works is the greater authority above us, tells us whose time is up and we finish the job by-"

"Killing them." I cut him off angrily. 

"Don't say it like that son." Harvey pouts.

"Like I was saying, the big guy upstairs told us that Marcel Edwardz time was up, so this is the funniest part..." He laughs. "My partner here Harvey mistook Marcel Edwardz for Marcel Edwards, which is you." Johnny says, his laughter echoing in the room.


"Correct." Harvey chimes in.


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