Ch. 10: Hold Tight

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Ashley's P.O.V

"You ready to keep running? We can't stop here babe. " I heard Harry gasp in between breathes as he looked around in the night.

"Not really." I whined.

I honestly don't think I can even walk anymore.

"I know Ash. I know. Uhhhh.....I can carry you?"

"No. That'll put more weight on you. " I said, but Harry didn't reply. At this point he was in deep thought. Staring intensly at who knows what.

"The bridge!" He exclaimed out of nowhere causing me to jump a little.

"The bridge? Yea what about it? I mean it's close by, but-"

"C'MON!!!" Harry quickly interupted as he dragged me along, my feet suprisingly moving alongside with his.

We kept running a few blocks down until we reached the bridge. I had no idea what he wanted to do so I just followed him as he reached the top point of the bridge and stood their looking down at the water.

"Uhhh, are you trying to be romantic? With the whole night thingy, moonlight shining, standing on top of a bridge? Because it is not the right time you know." I pouted.

"What?! No......Do you know how to swim?" He asked as he looked into my eyes.

I looked back and gosh the bare sight of him began to weaken me. The way his curls were hanging on one side, the way he looked at me was the way any girl would love to be looked at, with those emerald shining eyes, and the way the moon lit of its light on Harry's face was breathtaking. I quickly shook out my thoughts and looked down at the water.

"Why OFCOURSE I know how to swim, if the occasion calls for it. "

"Ohhh, it calls for it." Harry said, and with that said he swiftly picked me up bridal style, and dropped me in the water, as I had a 10feet drop.

A great rush of icy cold waves washed over me as I plunged down below. The impact was so overwhelming it nearly left me unconscious as my body became a popsicle. I began to paddle my feet and arms, before I drown and strangely enough there was something soothing about being indulged in this chilly water yet I'd still kill Harry for this, the minute I saw him again. Speaking of Harry, where was he? Did he literally leave me here all by myself. Suddenly I felt a sudden motion that threw me back in, in my attempt to reach the surface. Wondering what it was, I began to swim towards a figure in the water, realizing it was just him. Ugh. Well I could always drown him right?

"HARRYYY!!!" I exclaimed. It would have been a yell, but the fact that the water was cold, made me go stiff.

"Shhhhh!!! Stay here. Hold on tight to me. " Harry motioned, as he found my hand underwater, grabbed it, and entwined our fingers together.

My hand gripped on to his tightly. I couldnt see anything. It was dark and cold. Goosebumps began to fill my entire body and I began to shake. I heard footsteps running on top of the bridge, only causing me to gasp, but Harry quickly covered my mouth with his other hand, pulling me closer to him, holding my body tightly against his.

"Do you see them anywhere, mate?" I heard a man's voice above us say.

My eyes widened as I recognized the voice from one of the man's in the alley. I would have screamed if it werent for Harry putting his hand over my mouth.

"Shhhhhhh." Harry whispered to my ear, his lips barely making contact with my skin, yet it still gave me the butterfly feeling on my stomach, as Harry held on to me tighter.

I nodded in response, as to let him know I understood and stood in the water, hiding myself as much as possible as I leaned my back against Harry's chest.

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