Ch. 20: Story Of My Life

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Ashley's P.O.V

My eyes begin to blink in response to the morning sunlight piercing through the room, my back aching slightly from laying so long in a uncomfortable cushion. Opening my eyes, I come to realize that I was laying down in my couch, and I gasp once I see a sleeping Harry a few inches away from me sharing the same blanket with me. I assume we had fallen asleep while watching a movie late last night after putting Marie to sleep.

I try to shift my weight to get off the couch but is pointless considering me and Harry's position on the couch. Here I was laying most of my body down against the couch's large pillow, my legs crossed out in front of me, and on them rest Harry's head on my lap with his mop of chocolate curls spread out messily above him. I decide to take this time to study Harry, and a stupid grin makes it's way on my lips as I admit to myself that Harry in his sleep is the definition of pure beauty and bliss.

His pink plump heart shaped lips are slightly parted allowing a few light snores to escape from his mouth, his hands peacefully resting on his sides where his chest rises and falls slowly as he breathes steadily, his long lashes fluttering every so often, his long legs stretched and laying straight against the couch's arm rest, and overall he looks like an angel sent from above.

In fact, maybe he is an angel from Heaven.

Minutes passed as I sat there looking at Harry sleep, a small smile never leaving my lips as I fiddled with his hair on my fingers. I begin to hum a song quietly, stroking his hair as I close my eyes.

"Having fun?" A raspy voice whispers out of nowhere, that somebody being the gorgeous boy laying on me.

My eyes snap open instantly and I look at him wide eyed. "What?"

"You." He chuckles. "You've been watching me sleep the past couple minutes."

"No I haven't." I stammer nervously. Is it me or is it getting hot in here?

"It's ok to admit that you were babe. I don't mind." He smirks.

I glare at him, crossing my arms over my chest as he continues laying there on my legs. That is until I push him off me, using all my strength and Harry lands on the hardwood floor underneath us, landing with a hard thud. I burst out in laughter, watching him groan and mutter profanities under his breathe, as his tall figure stands up, sits on the couch beside me and glares at me.

"You're evil." He glares at me, which I only return with a smile.


"Oh Marie! Please stop crying!" I whine. "Please, please stop!"

Harry had left a few hours ago since he needed a change of clothes and catch up on some homework of his. I didn't mind, I needed some time alone for myself, plus he slept over and I happened to have slept on the same couch with him. I definitely needed some space because my feelings were combusting everywhere. I was feelings things towards him and I was scared.

I didn't want to have any sort of feelings towards Harry because he reminded me too much of Marcel. Not that it was a bad thing, it just hurts. If I were to ever be with Harry, all I would remember and picture would be every moment I had spent with Marcel, and I'd basically be cheating this relationship and that would lead to hurting Harry. I don't think I could live with myself if I broke Harry's heart, it's not his fault my mind is so fucked up with Marcel's death.

With Javadd, it's different. He brings me joy and peace which is exactly what I need to move on. He gives me hope to having a future with someone else, he brings a whole new world to my life and that ladies and gentlemen is what's called a new opportunity. He's a fresh start that I need in life, and I do fancy him a lot. Yes, he's Zayn's twin brother and it might feel like I'm dating Zayn, but in reality I'm not. Javadd is so much more different than he is. He's everything a girl can wish for in a guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2016 ⏰

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