Ch. 8: Closer

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Ashley's P.O.V

I layed on my couch, snuggling with my beautiful standard poodle and blanket which kept me nice and warm, while I watched "Rock Of Ages". I can watch this movie a billion times and not get tired of it.

After today, I rushed home, not waiting for anyone and launched myself on my couch trying to get over today. Why me? Like seriously. The more I tried to get away from Harry, the more closer he got to me, and to be honest I couldn't stop thinking about him. A smirk appeared on my face as I remembered today's events.

"Oh Harry. " I let out along with a sigh, as I played with my dogs fluffy curly hair.

"What was that honey?" My mum asked from out of nowhere, making me jump.

"Crap! Muuum! You scared me!" I yelled out as I quickly sat up on the couch re-positioning myself.

"I'm sorry honey, I just thought I heard you say something. "


"Anyway! Our neighbors have invited us over for dinner at 7:00pm. How very sweet of them!" My mum squealed. "So be ready!" She continued as she walked out, not letting me say another word.

"You saw that Shaggy? She just walked away from me. " I teased talking to my dog.

Shaggy just licked my hand in return. I patted his big head quickly and dragged myself up to my room, I mean dont get me wrong, its not that I didnt want to meet my neighbors, but today was just a long day. I decided to keep the same clothes on from school, to lazy to dress into something more 'fashionable' and just fixed my hair, letting it down from the messy bun I had it in during my period of time at home. Turning to my mirror, I watched as my cheeks began to blush out of nowhere, my heartbeat increasing. Ok? My body is weird.

"Ashley! Hurry Up!!!!" I heard my mum yell.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back as I huffed down the stairs. "Bye Shaggy! I'll be back baby!" I yelled out to my dog, who was chasing after me, but seemed to understand and walked over to his bed.

As we walked our way to our neighbors, my mum asked me about my day, which I lied, saying it was great. In reality I think she wanted to know how I was taking today with it being Marcel's one month anniversary of his death.

"Did you know our neighbors have two sons, of your age, who go to your school?"

"Oh really?" I asked, trying to think of who it could possibly be.

"Yes. Isn't that lovely?"

"If you say so mum. Do you know their names?" I asked.

"Uhh, yes, I beleive it was L-"

Suddenly my mum was cut off by a door swinging open. My mouth dropped at the sight in front of me. More like the person in front of me.

"Hello Mrs. Aguilera! We've been waiting for you and Ashley. I'm glad you made it, please come in. " the boy with the brown wavy hair and eyes said.

"LIAM!!!???" I nearly yelled.

Just then a tall beautiful lady appeared, a bit too cheerful, kissing me and my mum's cheeks. I probably looked like an idiot, too shocked to move. I saw as Liam sent me a smirk, probably chuckling at the view.

"Hello! You must be Ashley! Your mother has told me so much about you. Goodness. Your such a beautiful young lady! I'm Sarah Payne. Well Sarah Styles Payne. " She said, as she walked us in the house.

"Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Styles. " I said, almost choking at the last part. 


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