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Taehyung Imagine


You we're staring at the broken glass on the floor. You we're alone in your apartment in the middle of the night and was about to grab a glass to drink water. But then it slipped off of your hand.

Watching the glass fell from your hand, you became anxious about nothing. Silence made your rolling heartbeat audible.

Good thing was, you're still conscious about what's happening. You bent down and started to pick up the broken pieces. "What the-" you said as you tried to be calm.

Suddenly, your phone rings. It shocked you a bit making you hold a little tighter to a sharp pointed piece and leaving you a small cut on your index finger. It bleeds at once you felt the pain.

"What's this? Am I that clumsy now?" you asked yourself as you suck your finger to stop the bleeding. You then walked towards the living area to check for your phone.

Seeing who was calling made you answer it in no time. It was Jin.

"Yes Jin oppa?" you greeted smiling.

"Ahh yeah, ______shi ... ahh where you at?" he said. It felt strange as it was the first time for him to talk like that. Usually he'll just greet you and ask if you are alright. You then heard your heart pounding again.

"In my apartment. Why? You're strange oppa. Hajima~." You answered nervously.

"Be ready, I am going to pick you up in 15 minutes. Taehyungie ... he needs you." He then hung up leaving you hanging.

You felt the absence of air as you heard the dial tone. "Taehyung ... What happened to him? What is he thinking again this time?" You kept on asking yourself.


Fifteen minutes was like thousand years during that moment. It was the longest 15 minutes of your life. You were moving from time to time. Staring at your phone and waiting for Jin's call. You also tried calling Taehyung but he was unreachable. That made you feel nervous even more.

At last! Jin called and in no time, you ran downstairs to go with him. You tried to ask what happened to Taehyung but Jin kept quiet. He was way too serious.

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