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Jung Kook Imagine


You walk from school to home every day – every morning way to school and every night way home. There is this Cookie Shop that you are passing by. It’s just few steps away from where you live so you often go there to buy their best cookies when you are bored.

One Saturday afternoon, you got bored after finishing your homework and doing the chores. As a reward eomma gave you some money to buy something for yourself. You immediately went to the shop and bought your favourite combo – a bubble tea and your favourite cookies.

Nothing left to do at home; you decided to eat your food inside the shop instead of taking it out which you usually do. You found a seat just near the counter and sat there comfortably and started eating your reward food.

Since the place was wifi zone, you checked on your social media accounts to start spazzing your favourite Boy Band. It took your attention away that you couldn’t notice what’s happening around you.

“Excuse me, can I sit here?” a boy asked you

“Yeahh .. sure” you answered without moving your eyes on your gadget. So the boy sat infront of you and started eating his foods, too.

“Excuse me …” the boy said

“Yeahp?” you answered … again without moving your eyes on your gadget *kinda pissed, such an annoying man!

“Can I just ask .. uhm .. what are you doing?” He asked with a quite embarrassed voice

“Im seeing the pictures of my HUSBAND!” you answered without moving an inch *feeling pissed

“Ooh.. I see. Uhm ... what … what’s his name? I  think he’s lucky to have … to have you.”

“Of Course! *laughs im kidding! He’s not my husband, He is my IDOL. And Im Just a fan” you answered with a low tone voice plus an inch of sadness and inch of *kill me now feeling without moving an inch

“Really? Ohhh … *knods then .. then what’s his name?” he asked again

“Mister .. you ask a lot!” slowly getting annoyed at this boy *pissed

“MIAN .. I just want to know his name, that lucky guy’s name.. what’s his name? I … I maybe a lot better than him .. “ He said

After hearing his last statement, it’s like an arrow hit your heart and you got a sudden burst of anger towards that boy. You slammed your phone on the table and looked at him straight in his eyes and said


You stopped talking.


Because you saw Jung Kook in front of you. Smiling and Staring at you and said

“Annyeong , my WIFE”

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