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SUGA Imagine


"Yah. Try looking here, don't you think it will suit me if I wear this dress?" You asked to your boyfriend Yoongi. You two were on your apartment's living room, sitting on the on the floor while leaning on the couch. You at his right side, sitting comfortably and resting your head at his shoulders.

Yoongi looked but didn't last long. "Jagiya, that shows too much skin." He coldly said and went back from doing something in his macbook. You shrugged and pouted your lips as you knew he disagreed. You were then busy scrolling your mobile phone for online shopping while he's busy making templates for their comeback teaser.

"I think it looks good though." You whispered to yourself. "How about ... this cropped top?" You said showing the screen of your phone at his face. He then leaned his head backwards and squints to see it. He looked at you and smiled. To your disappointment it's obviously fake.

"No jagiya.  Your tummy might hurt. It's winter soon. I don't want somebody else seeing you like that" He said and went back from working.

"Aish!" You spat and sighed. "But this is your style! Right? Girls wearing cropped tops showing their tummy and all!" You complained and folded your arms. "And besides, my tummy's not that bad huh!?" You looked at him sternly but he just glanced at you and smirked.

"Yes it is. But not for you ... ara?" he said and winked.

"Yah! Beoya!? What do you mean?" You said nagging him. He then went back to his templates and acted like he didn't say anything at all. He was too focused at his MacBook that he's somewhat ignoring you.

"Yah! Min Yoongi- ssi!" You called him giving emphasis to his name.

He then looked at you and said, "Wae! Wae! Wae!???" while raising his voice and lifting his head.

"Explain!" You shouted at him but he just looked at you coldly and drifted his head at his MacBook again.

Your eyeballs almost went off because of what he did. "Yah! Tell me ... what  do you mean by that!?" You repeated getting crutches at his shoulders this time and pulling his clothes. "Yah! Jagi ... marebwa!" You repeatedly asked but he didn't mind you nagging him. You pulled hard at his shirt but it caused you to lose your grip from it and you fell down with your head hitting hard at the carpeted fall like a helpless three month old baby.

"Awww~ Appa~" you whispered as you brushed off your head, still on the floor.

"Aishh!!!" he yelled as he got you pulling up to sit again. "Would you mind being careful next time and stop asking nonsense! See, you just hurt yourself!" he actually scolded you a lot but this time he's some sort of mad... perhaps at you. You looked at his worried eyes as he brushed off his hands through your hair. He's worried yes, and despite the fact that he's mad at you ... never mind. It made your heart fluttered

"Appa?" He asked suddenly looking straight into your eyes. "Jagi ... does it still hurts?" He followed up as you didn't answer the first time he asked. You just shook your head to answer no.

He then sighed, a sign of relief. "Good." He said and then went back doing his work.

"But are you still not answering my question?" you asked in a lower voice looking at him.

You saw him shrugged his shoulders, stopped from scrolling and immediately closed his MacBook. 'Okay he's mad' you told yourself.  He looked at you and you got goosebumps and air was absent on your throat. 'Oh no'

Suddenly, he sighed and gave a little, almost not evident, smile at you.  Lifted his right arm and grabbed your neck towards him and kissed you deeply but sweetly. You were too shocked to react that you just realized he was actually kissing you when he bit your lips a little.

It wasn't so quick and not so long too... but it felt so heavenly delicious. He then pulled out and looked at you close enough for you to share the same air. He smiled and it made you smile too. "Because I want my assets to be private... and you ... are my most wonderful one." He said and pecked a quick one.

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