Unexpected Knock

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From a solo trip in Seoul city, you found yourself going home early. It was nice visiting a foreign country that you love the most. But sometimes, during the stay, once in a while you'll feel bored. Especially when you're main purpose in visiting is few more days from today.

Visiting Korea for the nth times doesn't bother you because every time you step on the land, the thrilling feeling is still there as if it's your first time. But your visit this time is the most exciting. You've flew to Korea because you've won a VIP pass on BTS' SOLO CONCERT from an online game which caters KPOP Concert goers. Luckily, you were one of the three winners from random countries.

"Phew." You sighed as you reached your unit in a compound near the concert venue. You're given an apartment type unit each so that you're privacy remains. Throwing away the bag of apples on the couch, apples that you bought from the grocery store nearby, you jumped off to relax yourself while hitting the switch button on the remote of the TV.

Few minutes later of enjoying the program which you can barely understand because of the language barrier, a hard knock on the door surprised you.

'Jeogiyo ... Jeogiyo!' a loud and a roaring voice came after every knock. "Jeogiyo! Jeogiyo!" it repeated.

As you were surprised and now getting annoyed to it, you immediately ran towards the door while yelling, "Wait a minute!!! Utang na loob, anlakas maka istorbo!(For Pete's sake! Such a disturbance!) you complained.

Finally reaching the door's knob, you opened it with a frowning face. You opened you're mouth getting ready to yell on the person behind the banging when you yourself was shocked and stoned with what you saw.


"Ohh—" You're unexpected visitor was shocked too. It's because you're a foreigner.

... (You were out of words)

"Ohh .. ekshkiyuseu me. ba- ba- batrum! (Excuse me. Bathroom)" Hoseok was the one banging your door. He was in an emergency because of the call from the nature.  He was holding his tummy tightly as it hurts. Seeing him sweating and hurrying up, you were still stoned.

"Yah! Khen ay yusue da batrum?! (Can I use the bathroom?)" he repeated a little bit louder than earlier. It made you're senses come back. Without any words, you nodded at him and right after seeing your agreement; he came in and rushed through the bathroom.

"Oahh ..." you uttered as he passed by you. "Is it ... Is it ... J-Hope?" you asked yourself closing the door.


After a few minutes, he came out to your bathroom while brushing his tummy with his hand. He looked relieved after dwelling on the bathroom.

You then stood up as you noticed him walking out on the bathroom. While waiting for him, you've prepared your notebook, CD's, BTS Shirt and a pen for his signature and now it's time for it.

"Uhh ... " you said as he threw a sight on you and smiled. You were startled with his smile and it made your tongue shrunk. Your words were blown like air.

"Kamsahamnida~" he said bowing. And as a return, you automatically bowed after him.

"Ahh .. Oppa~" you finally said, "Take a seat first. And ... and eat. " You offered while gesturing so that he could understand well. You've prepared the apples that you bought for him and a glass of juice for him to drink.

"AyOoh ... theink yu!" he said giggling as he walked towards the small couch and began eating a slice of apple that he got. You too, sat on the chair beside the couch and watched him as he eats.

"Oppa~" you started the conversation.

"Dae." He answered still eating the apples.

"Why ... why are you here? Gwenchana?" you asked him still startling and unbelieving that BTS' J-Hope is actually in front of you.

"Mm! Gwenchana." He said after drinking his juice and looked at you. He smiled. " Ahh ... Dansue pueraktisue ... for konseutue. (Dance Practice for the concert)" He looked at you.

"Ahhh" you nodded as you understood his words. Thank goodness and you comprehend each other despite of the language. "Oppa!" You smiled at him too as you show him the passes that you've won.

"Ohh! Konsuetue pasesue!? (Concert Pass?)" he was amazed as he got it from your hands and looked at it.

"Dae!" you proudly answered.

J-Hope then got off from his seat and sat beside you. Luckily, he fits well on the remaining space. You were surprised with his action and just looked at him and watching out for his next move. And there, he hugged you smiling. "Gomawu!" he said shaking you a little. Finding it hard to hide your feels, you blushed all over and he saw it as he released you. He laughed at you and began pinching your nose. You were then covering your mouth and stopping your voice to explode and scream.

Suddenly, his phone rang and stood up.

He looked at you upon getting it on his pocket. "Chakaman" he said smiling as he pointed at his phone. You nodded as you acknowledge his excuse.

"Yeoboseyo? ... uhh hyung! Dae .. Ohyeahh ... Ohyeahh ... annyung!~" he said. And after the short phone call, he faced you and waved his hands goodbye.

"Ba- bye!" he said smiling followed by a 90 degrees bow. You also stood up and bowed for a response.

"Annyung Oppa~" you said smiling. He then walked towards the door and went out as you followed him. After closing the door, you leaned on your door with a wide smile almost covering your whole face. "J-Hope Oppa!!!!" you screamed as you jumped off from your feet. But when your eyes were nailed on the couch where he was seated, you also saw your things left unsigned. "OH~ MO~ NA~~!!!" you said as you leaned back and began sliding slowly. It made you sat on the floor almost crying. But soon after sitting, a knock surprised you again. In an instant, you stood up and   opened the door. It was J-Hope again.

"Oppa!?" you exclaimed.

He greeted you with his smile. "Ahh ..." he paused and sighed. "Wat ... Wat issue yur neym? (What is your name?)" he asked you.

"Ahh ... Oppa~ <Y/N> ibnida." You answered as you bowed a little.

"OAHH. Kureii~ ..." he said as he nodded. "Ohh- <Y/N>ah~ Jinjja Gomawu! Bangapsumida!" he said bowing again. "Shi yu on konsuetue! (See you on the concert!)" he said as he waved his hands again. And after it, he ran to get out of the compound. You also went out to see where he was going. You watched him run as he entered a black van that's waiting for him. You looked earnestly on the van and were surprised when its windows slid down revealing six other members waving their hands on you.

Stoned and awed, it's a miracle that you've managed to wave back and smiled at them.


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