I like You

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JIMIN Imagine


Faster! Faster you said. You were running fast to get into your apartment. Since your unit is on the 3rd floor, you decided to use the stairs instead of the elevator.

Jimin was then running after you.

"Yah! <Y/N> Stop!" he yelled as he tried to catch you. But you are not listening nor stopping. You were mad at him. Really mad.

Jimin and you are friends. You belong to the same class since junior high so you knew each other for quite a long time. You know a lot about him and you bet he knows something about you too but there is one thing that you are sure he doesn't know about you. And that is you like him. You really like him. And another tough job through it is to keep it.

Earlier, you said HI to him when he passed by the lounge with some other friends. Usually, he would greet you back or approach you but he only passed by with a blank stare. It made you wonder. Did you do something bad perhaps?

By that moment, you were with Xyrex who was asking for your help with one of your subject. Xyrex was a great joker so the simple ask-for-some-help session became a nice chatting time with him.

But now your situation today was a different story. You're mad at him. Really.



"Jimin.ah!? Where are you going to take me?" you asked him patiently for he was pulling your wrist for about five minutes now. You two are walking since after your chemistry class. He grabbed your hand in a hurry like it's an emergency. Being good enough to obey him, you now tried complaining.

"Just go with it. You'll know after we reach the gymnasium" he said with a soulless voice.

"Yah! Jimin! This isn't funny anymore! Where are you taking me?" you asked him again trying to free yourself from his grip.

He stopped walking and faced you. You stared at him with a sharp eye but it was nothing compare to his intense poker face. You suddenly felt a strange fear. "Just keep walking!" he said with a threat voice which you heard for the first time. It caused you to obey and follow him again.

When you both reached an empty yard just beside the gym, he released your hand and pulled you against the wall.

"Ya.. Yah! Jimin! What are you going to do?" you asked him in panic mode. He looked very strange as he took steps towards you. Poor you who doesn't have any space to take a step, you felt the wall at your back.

He was now in front of you. You tried to escape but he grabbed you in your shoulders causing you to freeze.

"Don't move" he commanded as he bends his body to whisper it in your ears. "Don't move" he repeated.

"Ji ...  Jimin ... stop this ... please?" you plead but he wasn't listening. He bent more to keep your face closer causing you to exchange air.

You looked away. But it has no use. He held your cheek to place it in front near his face, near his lips.

"Don't!" you said. With nervousness cracking the whole you, you managed to stop him. He was about to kiss you. The man you like is actually kissing you but you disobeyed. There was something wrong. You thought. What's wrong with him?

Jimin by then stopped moving but stayed still for about a moment. You can't move but you can see his lips not so far from yours. With great senses that never leave you, you pushed him away.

"What's the matter with you!?" you started shouting at him. There were students around that time so you were free to shout. He looked in your face, with no emotion at all.

"Can you answer me?!" you shouted again. "Why- on- earth- are- you- doing- this!? Why?!" you shouted as you pushed him in between words. But right after your last word, he grabbed you and hugged you very dearly.

"Stop it Jimin! Stop it! Let go of me!" you said. Jimin, without saying a word, freed you. As you retriebed your freedom, you ran away. Your mind was chaotic. You don't understand him. You can't understand him. So in order to be away from him, running was your solution. To your dismay, Jimin followed you.


"<Y/N>!!! Please!? Stop running!" he yelled again as you reached the door though 3rd floor.

"Just GO HOME!" you screamed back. You entered, and banged it close just right into his face.

He then knocked in countless times.

"Im Sorry ... Im really sorry" he said in between deep breathes because of running.

"Go home! Please! Just  ... go!" you said directly

"I cant! And I wont!" he answered back. "I cant go home without saying a word to you .." he added, now with a soft- hearted voice. "Please ... open the door. I ... I badly need to tell you this."

You very well know that Jimin would acts really strange if there's something bothering him or if he wants to do a thing. You can't be stone- hearted in his voice. You cant. So you opened the door for him.

You saw a relief at his face. "What?" you asked in dismay

But instead of answering you, he gather you with his arms. He squeezed you softly and said, " I like you <Y/N>. I really really really like you." He confessed.

Shocked about what you heard, you can't find words to say in order for you to answer him.

"im sorry about earlier." He said, squeezing you more. "I was ... I was kind of ... im sort of ... of ... Okay! Im jealous!" he stated. You can hear nervousness in his sweet words.

"What?" a word from you finally came out.

"I saw you with Xyrex at the lounge. You seemed to be happy with his company. I felt like ... like you like him more than me!" he released you for a bit then hugged you again. "I don't like that scene. I got so mad. I thought, I thought I was jealous." He added.

He lets you go with a childish look. Look at this man in front of you. A full grown one but still had tantrums like a kid. You smiled at him and pecked a kiss in his lips.

As the kiss was quick and abrupt, Jimin was shocked.

"Smile Jimin, I like you too." You finally said and the two of you found haven in each other's arms.


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