All for Today

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SuGa Imagine


Jagi, 5 more minutes … please?” Suga demanded as he covered his face a blanket and flipped on the other side of the bed.

“Jagiya …” you demanded “It’s already 8AM … you’re gonna be late …” you reminded him by his schedule but he refused to listen and continued sleeping.

Suga was really busy. The group went promoting their newest single and every other day you can see them on TV or in fan signing events in various places. As Suga’s girlfriend you understand the way your relationship was like. It sucks thinking that you’re seeing each other once in a while only but on top of all the sacrifices, the thought that he always finds time to see you make your heart glad. Indeed Suga is a very responsible boyfriend.


From a fan signing event last night, Suga surprised you to come home. He arrived late. You were then lying in your bed and reading a book when you heard footsteps outside your room. You got up on your feet and went outside to check if it was really him. There were no one on the living room and that led you to go to the kitchen. There you found him peeking on the fridge with a glass of milk and a cookie tucked in his mouth.

“Oh!” he said as he put the glass of milk on the table and removed the cookie and walked towards you. He hugged you tightly and took a kiss on your forehead.

“You … You’re here.” You said wondering as you hugged him back.

“Ahhh … did I surprise Jagi?” he said as he released you with a smile and caressed your face. “Kaja … let’s go to bed” he said as he hugged you again and began walking. He led the way to your bed with you walking backwards.


That morning, you were worried for him. You know very well that with his schedule he doesn’t have enough time to eat. If there is, maybe take out foods or chips. It’s very bad most specially for a hardworking man like him. As his girlfriend, it hurts you to know that.

You woke up extra early to cook breakfast for him. It was you’re simple treat for him for coming home late and surprising you. Normally he would wake up as the smell of the food you’re cooking reaches his nostrils. But today was different. There he was still sleeping. It’s no good since he has a 10AM schedule today.

“Jagiyaaaa …” you shook his shoulders to wake him up again. He didn’t move. From sitting beside the bed, you climbed up to shake him a little stronger. “Jagiyaaaa….” You said.

But Suga suddenly flipped to face you, locked you up in his arms and pulled you down towards him causing you to burry your face on his neck. You were accidentally on top of him.

“Omona!” you were shocked, but a grin from him answered you back.

 “Got you!” he said “Don’t worry too much Jagi …” he hugged you tight. “My schedule was cancelled so …” he lifted your face and looked at you. You were sharing the same air as your faces were really close. “ So I’m all yours for today” just by that and he kissed you softly in your lips. That kiss that felt so good after not being with him for a some weeks.

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