New School

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We get Anastasia enrolled in a very nice school. She has gotten used to other children and we have told her about school and all it entails and she is ready as she told us. She wants to learn everything. At first they wanted to place her in first grade, but tested her and placed her in the second grade. That is where she would be age wise.
I get my numbers to call for any reason at all concerning Anastasia. Anastasia went right to her assigned seat. I think I am going to cry Anastasia comes and gives me a tissue and says she is fine and not to worry about her. I hug her again and she waves bye and goes back to her seat. Raymond had to take me by my hand and pull me out of the school.
Mommy was crying and I asked the teacher for tissue and she hands it to me to give to mommy and we hug and I told her I would be fine and we let go of each other and I go back to my seat and wave bye to my parents.
I meet my classmates and I now have friends. Mia, Leila, Kate, and Lily are my friends now. A few boys tease us but we ignore them. I love my classes and I have new friends.
Anastasia has no idea who this Santa Clause is or Jesus birthday. She wants to read about these people. So we get her books on them. She has seen a multitude of men in Santa suits and we have taken her to see the nativity scenes and along with her books we have discussed all we can about it. She wants to go to church to learn about it as well. So we decide to join a church it happens to the one dr Grey and her family attend. Mia Grey is one of her classmates so they sit by each other. Elliott and Christian really are bored to tears they are both older so they don't really want to be here.
Grace Grey
I introduce my family to the Steele's and I guess Mia already knows Anastasia from her school. Carrick and Ray talk about different things and Mia and Anastasia are discussing religion and Santa Claus. Anastasia looked surprised that you can ask Santa for gifts on Jesus birthday. She was definitely closed off from everything and everyone before she ran away. She wants books and notebooks to write her life stories. She likes to draw as well. Mia has been talking about Anastasia, but I had no idea it was Anastasia Steele until now. I invite them to our house for brunch and they accept, well Anastasia and Mia agreed on it. Mia was the one who extended the invitation and Anastasia accepted it.
I chuckle as we are bamboozled by two seven year olds into eating a meal at our home. Mia invited Anastasia and her parents to join us for a meal. Today of all days. We are expecting Graces parents and oh Lord they will just love the chance to meet the Steele's. Not sure how the Steele's will take to them.
Maddie Trevelyan
About time you showed up, why did it take so long for services?
Theodore Trevelyan
They have guests Maddie, that might be 2nd they are two minutes late.
I introduce Anastasia, Ray and Analisa to my parents. Anastasia and Mia ask to be excused to go to her room. I tell her to hug her grandparents and then she can go. She hugs them and kisses their cheeks. She leads Anastasia up the stairs. I have everyone sit in the family room while I get some drinks for everyone and snacks for them as well. The boys have disappeared into their rooms and they have left us alone.
Oh this is going to be fun. I watch as Maddie thinks and she finally queries the Steele's like a criminal investigator.
I start asking questions on how they met Carrick and Grace. Grace said they met at her hospital and left it at that. Ray and Analisa agree that is where they met Grace and I then am told that Mia and Anastasia are classmates and they just attended Grace and Carrick's church because Anastasia wanted to find out about Christmas and Jesus. That peeked my interest and they explained Anastasia was adopted and she never knew any of this from her previous parents.
Let's enjoy the day, Ray are you the Raymond that owns the Steele Construction and Steele Carpentry?
My wife and I own them, she runs the company and I do the manual labor. We work well together.
Love the work you do, I bought a few of your desks and they were just the right size for Carrick and Graces offices. I guess that had no idea you had created the desks for them. Plus you created Maddie's presents this year for Christmas they are already delivered and waiting for her. I have also seen the houses you have worked on and they are very nice. What you did to the house next door is amazing. At least the exterior is, can't say much about the interior though.
I worked quickly on the exterior, but someone else did the interior work. I didn't care for the owners. Something odd about them if you meet them you will understand. Let's hope you don't meet them. I think they are still having work done inside. The wife tried to get a discount, a huge one and Analisa set her straight about my not being that kind of guy. I played dumb and told her that my rates are non negotiable.
Wow okay I can read between the lines on that one. I haven't met the hone owners and now I don't think I want to. We call the children for dinner and everyone settles in for food. Anastasia has gotten better at her table manners. She is thriving with the Steele's. She asks about Christmas and Jesus and everyone gives their opinion on it all.

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