A Wrong Turn

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Boy did I make a huge mistake with choosing Scott to lose my virginity to. At least my sisters chose better than I did. I got the morning after pill. Dad and I had a long talk and we came to an understanding. I am not to have sex with guys I just met and not in other peoples homes that I am not renting. Plus he had me get tested for and kind of disease and pregnancy. I had already checked on those and he was glad I had.
Samantha wasn't the only one who lost their virginity that night. Scott did as well. My other daughters are another matter. My sons and I have had the talk as well as my daughters. They are grown and of age and they are responsible for their actions. I apologized to Angela about a lot of things that night. She accepted it and my marriage proposal. We have to live in Seattle though. We are going to sign a prenuptial agreement as well. Carrick Grey is her attorney of choice. I know her net worth but she has no idea what mine is. My dead wife told me that I can't treat my sons one way and my daughters another way when it comes to sex. I also want my girls to know there are good men and bad men. Men who take responsibility of their actions and those who don't and it is hard to figure out which one is which. I also want my sons to know there are good women and bad women. I also want them to be sure they know the difference. Even good women can make mistakes. Sometimes people will lie out of desperation. A pregnancy is something that all my children should be responsible for male or female. I have had many talks to my children and hopefully they understand what I am trying to convey to them.
Oh Lord, not the talk again. Collin and Charles, Samantha Sarah and Shelly are being told if you are going to have sex with someone have it with someone that can afford to support a child and potentially a wife and other children before you open yourself up for a world of hurt. Dad told us guys to not run out on a pregnant female, not matter what. Even if it isn't your child if you had sex with her and are a possibility then you stand by her throughout the pregnancy. You don't have to marry her, but she needs someone to stand by her. Don't call her derogatory names or allow her to feel like she is less of a person because she got pregnant out of wedlock. Because even the best of women can become pregnant out of wedlock. Blah blah blah. We get it already.
Ashley and I are getting married soon and we were invited to Barney's and Beth's wedding to see what Angela could do in a short time for their wedding. The place was great and we met all kinds of people, even billionaires. We have no idea what kind of money dad has, but we know there are jets and homes all over the world. We were told the less people know about family holdings or properties the better. Ashley has no idea that I am in line to run my dad's company in Seattle. Dad makes our life comfortable but not luxurious. Unless you call private schools luxurious. I call them more difficult to get good grades in harder courses. Ashley is lucky to still have both her parents. I am still unsure how we met, but we met and I found out that dad had been seeing someone that moved to Seattle and they lost touch. Ashley apparently is a triplet that was adopted by her now parents and she had five siblings as far as she knows. I realized who her siblings were during the wedding, because they all had the similar bright blue eyes. She verified it for me during the wedding. We really had a nice time and our wedding was very beautiful and Angela had it done in no time. There was only one glitch and it was the wedding dress. Someone stole it from the shop after all the alterations were made. It turns out it was Lily Johnson. She is now in a psychiatric hospital. They still don't have any idea why she did that to the wedding dress. They found her wearing it after she dyed it rainbow and cut it down to a mini skirt and then the bodice was cut down to show her belly button and just a thin strip below the neck and a strip across her ribs. You could see her breast and if she moved her nipples were on display. The kind of cut that you needed adhesive to assure the nipples don't move. Ashley gave me that piece of information.
Angela found someone that could create a wedding dress for me. Enid Kavanagh put everything aside just to make my dress. It was heavily guarded in a safe. Barney helped with that and so did Anastasia. She told me that Lily was still angry that Christian didn't marry her. So she thinks that I was the easier target after finding out I was Anastasia's sister. Thanks to Christian Grey I was saved from an attack by Lily. I of course had no idea I was being protected and Lily was being followed. But somehow she was able to get into the bridal shop to steal my wedding dress. My new wedding dress was completed in three days. We had a thousand guests and they partied into the early morning. The caterers had four shifts. Scott tried to get a dance from Samantha but she refused to dance with him. I found out later why, Oscar and Allen told me that they hooked up and he never bothered to call her afterward. Granted she never called him either, because she didn't want to seem desperate.
I escaped from the hospital and got a ride, from a young couple. I told them I needed to get to Seattle and they agreed to drop me off. I started to worry when they made a wrong turn that lead to California, instead of Seattle. I tried to unlock the doors and couldn't get the windows or the doors open so I could escape them.
Freddie Hyde
I grin at my wife as we pick up the woman near the hospital. She was just admitted and escaped the same time we did. Deana and I met in the mental hospital. She was able to leave it since she had admitted herself. I failed to tell her the real reason I was hospitalized, only the courts and my psychiatrist knows why they placed me there for life. I drive a little more and Deana is now realizing my intentions. I make a turn and head to my father's cabin. The place her took his choice property and had fun with them until he sold them off. I am going to have fun with Lily Johnson and Deana Morgan.

Kavanagh Media
Unidentified patients from the Portland Psychiatric hospital have escaped. We believe they are still in the Washington State area and had help from an self admitted patient. We ask people to be on the lookout and do not attempt to capture them, just call the authorities.
I look at my captives and decide what to do to them first and they are screaming help. I have my noise cancelling headphones on. I like that they can scream away and no one can hear them outside this cabin. I am glad to see dad had the foresight to hide cash here. I hid the car in the underground garage. I take Deana first and cut all her clothing off her and stand back and admire my wife. I lay her on the bed and shackle her and I do the same to Lily. After a hard night of satisfying my needs with each lady, I go eat and bring food and water for them both.

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