Baby Kyle Eamon Grey

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This time they watched me like a hawk and Kyle Eamon Grey arrived on time and healthy and this time no coma. Elliott was by me every minute of the day. Elliott went back to work and I worked from home thanks to a new computer system Barney designed for my use. Mia was still angry at me for divorcing Elliott and not letting anyone know I was pregnant. She had a baby girl. Colleen Amber Kavanagh was born a week after Anastasia and Christian's triplets. Every time I looked at Scott I felt guilty, but I couldn't tell him anything because if he had really wanted to know what was going on with Samantha he could have asked Arthur. Since Arthur married Angela Miller and they bought our penthouse. Barney of course made it over into a technological wonder. Elliott is proud of his two boys and he has photos of them everywhere. We have family photos edited to include me in them just after David was born. Another one of Barney's genius ideas. Beth helped him create some software that they created and had patented and copyrighted.
I wasn't thrilled about Eamon as a middle name, but what can I do I got to name him Kyle, someone Kate doesn't like. Mostly because I hung out with him before I settled down with Kate. He tried to break us up. He wanted me to help him get women. We used to find women based on me alone. Unfortunately some of the women wanted me to introduce them to Christian. Even now I get that from a few women who don't care if he is happily married or not. I tell them that they need to get away from me and stay away from my brother. I gave his security their names so they can assure they don't get near Christian. We have both had our share of crazy people. Freddie Hyde killed one of the crazy people and Lily he tortured her and his own wife and buried them in the same graveyard he died in. Kate was doing advanced location shots for her story called in search of the Belleville heirs. She just happened to be shooting video footage when everything happened. She did a report on the murders and the murderer and released it. She was still gathering information on Honor Belleville. The more she dug the more the attorneys hid from her. It all came together when she got to New York. Had she not went into the coma she would have been the one to find out that the attorneys and a bunch of employees and upper management were siphoning money and assets away from the company.
I am glad Elliott remarried Kate and they are communicating well. So well they had another son. Everything went okay this time. Her doctor kept a watch on her for any distress she might have. I think Carrick and Grace are still holding a grudge against Kate and us. But things are what they are and we get along for our grandchildren's sake. Eventually things will be less awkward and we will stay out of our children's marital problems.
We had security allow Elliott into the building again and he brought David to let us visit with him. He was very good to Kate and a great father. He might have taken time off, but Christian stepped up and helped assure his brother's company kept growing and assured that no one tried a takeover. Anastasia helped as well. She did a lot of the behind the scenes work to get new projects bid on. Anastasia took business courses and learned how to handle her own contract negotiations when she publish her own book. It came in handy for negotiation of contracts in building and designing interiors. Christian always had his attorneys go over everything and had Elliott scan over the numbers and cost of materials. A few unscrupulous companies tried to take advantage of the fact that Elliott was on leave, they didn't expect him to be looking at the contracts behind the scenes to assure they wouldn't lose money on cost of goods and services.
Christian and Anastasia stepped up to help Elliott's company to keep growing and it did thanks to Anastasia finding projects to keep work and money flowing into the company. We have all stepped in to help out on whatever he needed. Even if it meant we had to get Kate to her doctors or therapists.
I am not sure about anything at all when it comes to Elliott and Kate. Teddy is still a little fearful of Elliott and stays by our sides if Elliott is around. Anastasia has told me that her and Christian don't fight in front of the children. They made an agreement. Elliott had no idea how badly Anastasia was traumatized by her stepfather and her mother and all the screaming at her when she was a child. She won't discuss it at all. Teddy is seeing a therapist to get past his fear of Elliott.
I just can't get past my anger at Kate, but I try for Elliott's sake and my nephews sake to get along with her at family events. Our children should not pay for the errors of their parents. Mom told me not to take sides in their marriage. If they are getting along then we need to allow it and our hostility just puts undue stress on the marriage.
I have tried to get Mia to settle down and try to find a way past all the anger at Kate. She knows that things are not always black and white. We have both seen a lot and heard a lot because we treat a lot of patients and all have different issues. At least they both own their mistakes in their first marriage and are working on themselves and then them as a couple.

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