The Lindens

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I am livid about the situation with us having grandchildren that we didn't know about. We are in the waiting room of the hospital apparently Samantha Reed was showing her ass and had documents that give her custody of Sarah's children if something happens to her. Luckily Oscar got an attorney and DNA tests ran. The newborns are his and the twins tests are being ran now on Maya and Mica Reed. The birth certificates don't have a father's name on the twins, the triplets have Oscars name on theirs. He hasn't chose their names yet. But they have the linden name and so will Maya and Mica. Arthur is on our side in all this.
I take Oscar and Fred down to the nursery and Scott is holding Aubrey in his lap and telling her he is her father. Samantha is a piece of work. I think she was behind Sarah hiding the twins from Oscar. Well we are here now and an attorney is here to protect our son's rights. Five down and 1 to go, Oscar is keeping his cool, but Samantha isn't she is trying her best to name the triplets and I swear I think I heard her say that she was their mother. The doctor told her he knew she wasn't because he delivered the triplets himself and she died on the operating table. I told the doctor that we are the paternal grandparents. All six, including the little girl over there I nod at Aubrey.
Attorney Adam Lewis
This is going to be taken to court and I know that it will be a drawn out situation. I can't see that Samantha is that close to the twins Mica or Maya. Aubrey really doesn't seem to be close to them either and she is about the same age if not the same age. The fact that the fathers had no idea that their children existed doesn't bode well for them. I then learn that the mothers hid them in New York. They are all closer to their nannies. I realize that Samantha has not produced the will and I demand to see it. Her face turns pale and I know she hasn't got one and there never was one. So we talk to the nanny and we are ready to go. Mrs Clark was asked if she would relocate to Seattle and she finally agreed to be the twins nanny in Seattle. They have me draft a written agreement with her and we are set to go. Samantha has her own issue, I filed for joint custody of Aubrey with the courts in New York. Scott is going to be here to get his residency set up anyway.
Samantha tried to get away with taking our grandchildren away from their only parent. Arthur took her aside and had a lot of words for her. By the time he was done she was agreeing to bring Aubrey back to Seattle to get to know her father and the rest of the family. There will be no courts and it will be fair to all parties. I don't know what her father said to her but she changed her tune and she is rearranging her life to accommodate Scott and his family. They are going to hash everything out in Seattle and the DNA tests prove our sons were the children's father. So naming the boys is up to Oscar. I slip him some of my favorite names. We get apartment packed up with all the children's things and they want to take sone of their mothers things and we have a moving van get all the big things.
James Allen, William Douglas and Thomas Roger Linden will be flying back with their siblings and the attorney made sure that he got Samantha to sign an affidavit saying there was no will or any statement agreeing to let her have the children or anything else. Witnesses were also asked to give a sworn statement that they heard her confessions. Even her father signed a sworn statement. The attorney had a notary and a few law clerks come loaded with all kinds of legal documentation for signatures. We left for Seattle on the Belleville private jets. The pilots and crew got everything needed for the babies and children's needs. Arthur has to get Shelly packed up as well. We are all going back to Seattle. Samantha had other thoughts, but Scott told her she would have a lot of legal fees if she didn't allow him to take Aubrey for a visit and come along to work out the terms. She had no real choice but to do as told and her father insisted. She could come back after they worked out the legal agreements, but she was going to let Aubrey stay with her family in Seattle. Scott will be added as the father on her birth certificate. I am satisfied. So is Arthur and Dawn. Oscar was hoping to have Samantha arrested but was talked down from it as long as she allowed Aubrey to go to Seattle to stay with her family. Attorney Lewis will be handling things here in New York and gave us a good attorney that works on  family situations. Annette Ford and we set up an appointment to work it all out and file in the courts.
Annette Ford
Adam called me to get a client an appointment to talk to me about child custody and visitation and they will tell me the full story once they arrive at my office. Three days later both parents of a daughter have entered my office and they are not happy. I have a feeling this isn't going to be a simple case at all. I am being told that Samantha Reed failed to inform Scott Linden of the pregnancy or the birth of his daughter. He just recently found out about it by way of her father. The child is five years old. At this point I'm not going to sugarcoat it for miss Reed or mr Linden. The courts hear these cases all the time and they usually want everything to go through the court system so if one doesn't hold to the agreement legal action can be taken. So I recommend that she get her own attorney. I told her I was recommended by his attorney from New York and I was basically looking out for his interest and not hers. We have drawn up the legal agreements and I have her take her copy to the attorney she hires and get back to us, otherwise I will file it with the courts.

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