High School Graduation

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The parties were getting bigger and bigger so we decided to have a combined party and all the families got together for an huge party for all of us. Christian provided a nice place for us to dress up like sort of grown ups. We all bought dresses and our families were invited to it with us. Oscar had graduated earlier and he was invited by Beth, so he came. All the Lindens came. Raymond Edward and Timothy Aaron Steele stayed home with the nanny so mom and dad could join the party. We are all going to college here in Seattle. Well the original group of friends are. Oscar is headed to Harvard, but he has already started on his college courses as am I. We got together and decided to doin line courses and get a huge head start.
I can't believe that we are going to go to college together, we started school together and we finished it together. We have endured a lot if things including my grandparents passing away and they were all here for my family and so were their parents. It was a very hard time. The latter that arrived for Anastasia on her 18th birthday was horrible. She was traumatized for a week. She finally told us it was from her biological mother and was in prison for her murder and her fathers murder and she wanted her to come forward to testify on her behalf. Dad told her she didn't have to to do anything at all. She was nearly killed by her mother and stepfather so she owed her nothing at all.
I don't want to answer that letter and I had mom and dad take it and handle it for me. Dad says she must be fishing, because there is no way she could prove that I am her daughter without my DNA and she isn't getting it. We had the other DNA testing destroyed by the company and the hospital. That way it can't be traced for any reason. I am 18 and don't have to listen to her at all. I listen to my adoptive parents because they love me she doesn't. Dad did a background check on her and found out that I was one of six children she gave birth to. I don't know how he found it out but he did. He said it wasn't difficult since she gave birth to all of us in the small town she lived in with my birth father. Add to it her real name was on the envelope she had sent to me from an attorney's office.
The attorney told me there was no answer to my letter to the girl that I thought was Anastasia. She either is her or she isn't her, but if it is really her she has chosen to make me rot in jail the rest of my life for what I did to her father and her. There is nothing I can do about it. That was my last shot. The attorney I had to pay for legal help on selling Anastasia's siblings has died. He can't help me any longer. It has been almost eight years of two life sentences and she can't look at herself in the face. An attack left her scarred and gruesome looking. Jealousy of her looks had made her a target of many other inmates. She is fearful of anyone and anything after she has been made a servant to others. She now understands the abuse she suffered upon Anastasia and is getting it back twofold.
I have been targeted but I am hanging in there and I will be here until I die pretty much if someone doesn't kill me first after learning I was found guilty of killing a six year old girl, my stepdaughter. I couldn't get an appeal at all. Apparently neither can Carla. I am sure she saw the same photos I did and I tried to get someone to look into the girl in the photos, but they just laughed and said she didn't bother answering the letters from the attorney that sent them to her about being the same person. I can understand why she wouldn't because Carla and I both would make sure we killed her after serving time for her death. Can't retry us for her murder a second time.
We are very proud of our children all four of them. I look at the letters from Carla and Stephen Morton and know they need to be kept in a locked box just in case. When the Linden's asked us in private if we had adopted all our children, we admitted to it and quietly had DNA testing done especially after they got the letter from the attorney's office telling them that their boys had siblings . The attorney had handled five siblings out of six children, but their mother tried to sell Anastasia as well, but the father wouldn't allow it. The father travelled a lot and had no idea he had fathered six children in total. Too bad he knew about Anastasia. She probably got pregnant to get him to marry him. Who knows what the real truth was. But it turned out that Anastasia and Beth are Oscar and Scott's sisters by the same father and mother. We will tell them if we need to, but right now the boys don't know they were adopted. But if they become interested in each other we will then tell them. But they want to wait until the boys are eighteen to tell them. It wouldn't be my choice, but they aren't my children.
I can't help but like the idea we found out about Oscar and Scott Linden being brothers to Anastasia and Beth. We found out they have a brother and a sister still out there. Beth has a triplet sister out there. We were shown the letter from the now dead attorney informing them of this but we were only given the biological parents names of the children. Frank and Carla Lambert. Frank Lambert was murdered by Carla who was found to have been murdered after further investigations of what looked like an accident turned out it wasn't. She was found guilty of murdering Anastasia as well and that was a letter from an attorney's office that had a letter inside it from Carla begging her to come forward and get the verdict overturned. I know Anastasia made the right decision to ignore her pleas. She would kill Anastasia to even the score and couldn't be tried for the same murder twice.
She was always too smart for her own good, she knew that I would make sure I finally killed her like I should have back then. Not for lack of trying. I had hoped the head injury would be enough to kill her off. I would head immediately to Seattle and find a way to kill her.

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