An Ultimatum

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I don't know what to do about Kate and following a story and ending up at the graveyard where the mental patient that had escaped with help and one of the people with him was Lily Johnson. I was so mad and she doesn't realize she has drawn attention to herself because the news was televised across the US and last I heard Jack Hyde is still alive. So is Gia. I have waited over two years and I want to try for our baby. I can't see her trying for one if she is putting herself in danger. We have talked about this and she told me that my job is just as dangerous as hers and I have a choice not to get on roofs girders and other things that I could easily fall from. She can't help that her assignment led her to the escaped mental patient and everything that happened afterward. Her story was about Honor Belleville. It was about trying to find the heirs of the Belleville estate. We are going start baby making in a month or I leave. Christian and Anastasia are having another child and Mia is as well. I am the oldest brother and have no baby and can't get Kate to start on one.
Elliott gave me an ultimatum and I was going to tell him that I stopped my pill, but after him giving me an ultimatum and pointing out my safety is priority one. I blew a gasket and reminded him about how he likes to get on girders and will eat his lunch. Christian had photos of Elliott sitting on one just recently and he took them as he flew off the roof of his building. So I pointed that out to him and then our families. But the damage was done, so I told him to leave anyway. Apparently I am not enough for him anyway. So I tell him to pack all his belongings and leave. I decided to contact an attorney and start proceedings. We have been having this argument since the first grand baby was born. It didn't take long for Elliott to get his divorce papers. Ethan and Mia were aware of our fights and what they were really over. Elliott wanting me to have a baby was just part of it. He just wants me to stay home all day and wait for him like June Cleaver. The baby was his attempts at trying to get that done. Mom and dad think I am being too rash and had a knee jerk reaction. See no one was around for the knock down drag out fights we have had. They just see the pleasant joking Elliott and they don't see the demanding side of him.
I finally got a view of the man that Kate is dealing with when he arrived in my office and told me he is not letting her divorce him. He will fight  the divorce. I told him that fight all he wants but it's going to happen. Enid walked inside just as the conversation turned volatile. She brought security not knowing it was Elliott yelling. We both found out what Kate was talking about. He might not be violent, but verbally assaulting can be seen as abusive.
I think we should show the video to Carrick and Grace and show them why Kate wants the divorce. I am glad Elliott left with security and we sent a copy of the video to Carrick and Grace. We then sent it to Kate's attorney.
I just asked for the house and alimony along with my part of our savings and our checking account. Christian has told me that his security will be keeping me safe no matter what happens to my marriage to his brother. Anastasia keeps in touch with me throughout this whole ordeal. Elliott was mad because she was communicating with me and grabbed her phone and broke it. Christian was very angry about him doing that to Anastasia and causing her stress during her pregnancy. He can't be around Anastasia or Teddy until he buys her a new phone, apologizes and goes see a psychiatrist.
I am so frustrated about this and getting divorce papers served at work. I went to have a word with Kate, but she was out on assignment. I asked to see Eamon and we got into a huge argument about Kate and we both got loud and he finally just told me that I apparently didn't know Kate very well, or just wanted a June Cleaver but failed to see the real Kate. Enid walked in with four security people and asked them to escort Me out of the building and then not allow me back inside the building. Dad won't represent me, but gave me a list of attorneys to speak to. Dawn Adler was at the top of the list, but that is Kate's attorney. She apparently is the top divorce attorney in Seattle.
Three months later the divorce is final and I moved back into the penthouse we bought when we first got married. The house was being finished up and after a year we moved into it. We have to be civil at family events and she has been working a lot of hours on the Belleville story. She flew out to find information on a new lead. I gave her what she wanted but more money than the alimony she asked for.
I have sent Kate to the New York office and they are very aware that she earned her position as an investigative journalist. She is staying in our place in the company apartments where she has security and she has Christian's security as well. She is still family no matter what happened with her and Elliott. Granted we want grandchildren, but we have two and another one almost here. I think he was being unreasonable and I don't understand why and I don't think he does either and he loses his temper and verbally abuses the targets of his ire. He broke Anastasia's cell phone because she was talking to Kate on it. Elliott had to but a new phone for Anastasia and apologize to her and prove he is seeing a psychiatrist before his brother would allow him near anyone in the family.
I had to eat humble pie and see someone about why I was acting like I was about Kate, the baby, the danger and why she divorced me. Sadly it is too late to fix anything with Kate. Mia and Anastasia have had their babies. Mia named her daughter Katherine Anastasia Kavanagh. Anastasia and Christian kept the fact they were having triplets and the day I broke her phone assured that she was placed in bed the rest of the pregnancy. That was why security prevented me from going anywhere near her. Allison Marie, Talia Louise and Christian Elliott Grey were born three weeks early. Teddy was thrilled to have siblings. I finally got a reprieve from my family and friends and was allowed to be around them again. No temper tantrums around them though.
Elliott Grey got me pregnant the one and only time before I was sent out on the assignment that lead up to our divorce. I was very upset to find out about the baby. I left my attorney to handle the divorce and I got more alimony from Elliott. I let my parents know about the baby and they said that I need to let Elliott know about the baby. They fly out to be with me during the last week of the pregnancy. They arrived two days before David Elliott Grey was born. I had a bad delivery and had preeclampsia and was in a coma for three weeks.
We called Elliott and left a message for him to get to New York right away. I forgot to tell him he was a father though. We finally called Grace and informed her that they had a grandson and Kate was in a coma. They arrived the next morning and brought Elliott with them. Enid handed him his son and said are you happy now and left the room for parts unknown. I let them be alone with David and went to see Kate. I go to the chapel and we say prayers for Kate. We knew that Elliott had every right to his son and he took him back to Seattle with him. We watched and waited for Kate to come out of the coma. We made arrangements to bring her home to Seattle and get her physical therapy and her other therapy she had to relearn everything. I got her research on her projects and I found some very interesting information about the heirs to the estate. There are six heirs to the estate. Carla married Frank Lambert and Frank Lambert was the illegitimate son of Honor Belleville. Anastasia was the only known child of Frank Lambert. Now we know there were six heirs. The story had to be quashed and the Linden, Sullivan and Beth and Anastasia Steele are the heirs. Anastasia was the only child known by the estate, but they thought she had been killed by the Morton's. Christian has his attorneys contact the executors of the will and proof was provided to the attorneys in the form of evidence his staff had put together. We gave all the evidence to the attorneys and copies were sent to the executors. They kept DNA on file and they indeed found six heirs to the Belleville estate. Kate had completed the assignment a month after she got to New York and had not yet been able to get concrete evidence to prove it. Christian was able to follow through on it.
Honors estate included photos of Anastasia as a baby and Frank holding her. I finally told her after they confirmed everything and we got all six heirs to agree to the meeting time and place. Extra security had to be added because threats were made by way of newspaper ads. Eamon agreed to help police track the person or persons down and they finally found out it was one of the estate attorneys. She was arrested after evidence was located in a lock box of hers.

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