A Very Happy Ending

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As things are going well in Seattle they aren't going well for one Stephen Morton.
I have just made it back from our latest slop call. I found myself eye to eye with guys I tried to avoid by hiding out in the laundry. It doesn't take long for them to break my neck and make it look like an accident. The view I saw was of Carla being bounced around like a ball against walls I can see she is in agony. She's screaming but no noise is coming out. I am placed in a spike filled chair and forced to watch her as the spikes go in and out of me for every time she is bounced against the wall the spike goes in and then out again. I can't scream either. I know where I am by now.
Warden Adams
We have had three murders in cell block A and no one saw anything. No one knows anything at all. They all look like accidents but three in the same week, I just don't think so. I have to get the bodies to their relatives and only two had relatives who want an investigation into the accident. Stephen Morton has no one who wants his body or an investigation into his death. So off to the medical research center to train new doctors. They will cremate him after they are done with him. Since his body was intact except for a broken neck we were given money for the body. It is a good thing I am not like the old warden and making money off every body I can. He is in another prison at this point for ordering prisoners deaths to make money off their bodies for medical sciences.
A friend gave me a heads up about Stephen Morton having an accident in his cell and died of a broken neck. I feel better about Anastasia's safety now. We have invited everyone to her 19th birthday party. Everyone is coming. It is going to be a welcome to the neighborhood to the Sullivan family. They live three miles away but we want them to come over so the kids can get to know their siblings. The Lindens decided to tell Oscar and Scott they are adopted and they are siblings to ours and the Sullivans children.
Beth and I know we are siblings to Oscar, Scott, Ashley and Allen. Recently the Lindens told their sons they were adopted and they have four siblings that they somehow found out about. We were brought together and of course it was awkward at first but we finally became more comfortable with each other. We might be blood relatives, we just don't know each other. We have to get to know each other, we will always be siblings but we were raised by different parents and around different families.

The birthday party included all the siblings and their parents and it was a big blowout. All the Grey family were present and it was an interesting night. Everyone was having a great time. Christian was chatting to me and Ray about business and Elliott was talking about working with Ray in some construction work. We have hired people to manage all the companies we have acquired. Christian is interested in buying some of the assets from the better companies. I am holding off until we can get an idea of what the market will bear on the property.
We discuss business and turn to the party and enjoy watching all our kids enjoying themselves. Security is very tight since Christian and Elliott are here. But I don't mind that one bit. Their dates are kind of snooty. I don't think Grace likes either of their dates. I don't think anyone really does. Christian gave Anastasia a very extravagant gift and Elliott bought her a few books. Apparently he asked Mia what kind of things Anastasia liked and he chose books, a smart man. I don't think Christian was the one that bought the necklace. She was a little embarrassed and his date was angry at him. Gia Matteo was mad at him and it was obvious.
I told Christian the diamond necklace was far too expensive to give me as a birthday gift. I couldn't say it out loud to him, but I spoke to him when his date went to the restroom. I told him it was inappropriate to give me such an expensive gift. He insisted that we were like family so the costs of the gifts he gives me really shouldn't matter especially since he can afford it.
Since I have become a multimillionaire I can afford a lot of gifts for my family and friends. My dates as well. Gia and I are just having a bit of fun, well until today I thought we were just having a bit of fun. But I think we need to redefine our relationship again. She was very angry about the necklace she saw and thought it was for her. I informed her it was for Anastasia for her 19th birthday. She got angry and made us late for the birthday party. Elliott actually bought Anastasia books she needed for her college courses. Mia gave us a list of birthday gifts for all her friends along with her lists of presents for her.
Denise was flirting outrageously with Christian and he was just rolling his eyes at her. Gia was very angry and I didn't know who was going to be the first to blow up first. I finally sent Denise home and Christian had Jason Taylor get a security guy drive them both home. It was a genius idea, mom and dad finally told us they hoped we found better women than Gia and Denise to date. They were glad they left.
I was cornered by Gia in the restroom and she made it very clear that I was not good enough for Christian Grey and I needed to demand he take the necklace back. She said she could give to him and tried to take it off me. I hit her in her solar plexus after she tried to grab it off my neck. I stopped her from getting it and she slapped me twice. I had to hit her. Mom was mad and took photos of my face, hands and neck where the red marks were showing where the necklace was pulled hard. My palms had red lines from the chain the necklace was on. We were going to ask security to remove her, but Christian had already had her and Denise taken home. I am betting those two are history. My gifts were great and my dad allowed me to buy a new car to drive to college. I saved all my allowance and money I was paid for tutoring.
This party was perfect after Denise and Gia left. We had music and danced and swam it was an all day and into the late evening event. All our school mates were here and we found out that Oscar and Scott Linden along with Ashley and Allen Sullivan were siblings of Anastasia and Beth. Oscar Ashley and Beth are triplets. Anastasia and Beth were traumatized by people, Anastasia by her mother and stepfather, Beth by the people who were trying to sell her off to human traffickers.
I watch as Anastasia swims and is carefree after everything she has been through in her life. I decide to go swimming and enjoy myself. Elliott and Ethan follow me into the pool might as well enjoy all the college girls and we did. I ended up throwing Anastasia in the pool a few times and got surrounded by her female friends. Jose Rodriquez has been trying to occupy Anastasia's time, but she seems to be trying to avoid him. So I interrupt them as often as I can. She has been having a lot of fun. Until Jose followed her into their home and tried to kiss her. He ended up with a knee to his private parts according to Rays security team. They stopped him from trying to hurt her. He is no longer her friend and was escorted to his car and was told never to approach her again.
I had my security watch Jose and he made a move on Anastasia. It was a good thing I taught the kids how to defend themselves and learn how to shoot as well. With us not knowing where Carla and her husband was at until the attorney sent us the information after Anastasia turned 18. We wanted them ready in case things like this happened. Christian I am a little worried about but I doubt he would force himself in any young lady since he has a lot of young ladies vying for his attention. Gia goes near Anastasia again she will be facing charges.
I knew Jose would be a huge problem and he turned out to be a huge issue now. Gia is another problem, she is lucky she wasn't arrested and so was Jose. Other than that the party was great. We went inside and allowed the adult children to continue the party and the parents left with their younger children. I am glad our house is soundproofed. I think everyone left about two am. Security made sure no alcohol was drank. Luckily we don't drink, so there was no alcohol served. I got up and found the yard was completely cleaned up. I suspect Anastasia had something to do with that.

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