The Match Is Made

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I get up and shower and have food sent for Anastasia and I. She is exhausted and was sound asleep when I left her in my bed. Is is bad of me that she is the one and I want babies with her. I had dreams of babies and they were all our babies. I have never forgotten to wear a condom with anyone. I think I subconsciously want to get her pregnant. I hear her coming up behind me as I read the newspaper and then I see photos of me, Elliott, her and Kate walking together at the dock and a few of us leaving. They just can't seem to let me have a private life. She hugs me from behind and says it is good that the hickeys are well hidden.
The butt hickeys kind of amazed me that you were able to do that. He laughs and says it was his first try. We laugh as the elevator arrives and food arrives and Elliott and Kate come in as well,
Really did you get a call from the restaurant telling you that I ordered food to eat. I was aware that Elliott and Kate were coming by today so I ordered extra everything. I had to tease him a bit. Kate is usually boisterous, but today something is amiss.
Elliott got a call from Denise and he took the call and told her he would meet her at her place later tonight. He took a few boxes out to his truck and he didn't say much about the phone call. I guess I should think positively about being with him and her not being here. He was pretty mad at her at the party. He sent her home with Gia.
I need to talk to Kate later and take her for protection from Denise and possibly Gia. They tend to gang up on the guys who dump them. We had a lot of fun and a lot of sex all night long. I think we aren't the only ones. I know that photos of all four us were taken at the dock. Denise knew the deal when I first took her out. She forced herself into that invitation and it turned out as badly.
We start digging in to the food and start talking about the cleaning we did after the party. A few staff assisted but after how long they worked all of us pitched in and got it done very quickly. Mom and dad didn't have to get up to clean anything up. Elliott and Christian took cake home. My siblings got to know each other and me. Then they got to meet others. Kate was asking about what happened with Gia and I in the restroom. I thought she had got the the information on what had happened, but I recap it and tell her that was why she was sent home.
Sir you have a guest asking to be let up and I doubt you want her here. He leans over and says Mia brought Gia over and the security wouldn't allow Gia up.
Mia can come up, but Gia is not welcome and has never been here and I don't ever want her up here. Tell the security down there to prevent her from getting in the elevator with Mia and not to listen to Mia if she threatens them then she can't come up either. Soon Mia is coming out of the elevator with Ethan following her along with two security people.
Okay I can see why you didn't want Gia to come up with me now. I thought Gia had been here before, but she hadn't even been invited here or knew where you lived until today. She was pretty mad that you had left instructions for only family to be allowed up. They allowed Ethan up because Kate was allowed up here and he was with me. Gia just happened to hear me tell mom I was coming over to see you. She followed us over from the restaurant we were at. She also tried to get through the gate but she was stopped there and parked in front of the building.
Gia and I just had a mutual agreement and I was honest with her about it just being casual and no ties to one another. But somehow she thinks it was more. It ended on Anastasia's birthday party. She was told very clearly that I was done with her nonsense. She attacked Anastasia in the restroom and mrs Steele had caught her before she could injure Anastasia any further. She got jealous of Anastasia for good reasons.
So that's why you made her leave, I saw Denise flirting away with you and Elliott made her leave. So security drove them both home.
I knew why Denise had to leave, but had no idea Gia had attacked Anastasia. Wow then we need to keep her away from us then.
She really didn't leave the area just the property, so she will be waiting around to try to talk to you Christian and she is determined to see you. I am sure she thinks you two are in a relationship and not just a casual thing. I sigh and think how people don't want to hear the truth all the time, they just want the dream. She wants the dream and that dream is you.
Well her bubble is going to burst open, because I made no promises of a bright future with her at all. I guess a restraining order will be needed.
I would suggest you tell her straight out that you and she were just having fun and games and that was all it was and you have no intentions of continuing to feed her delusional idea of a future with you.
Ahh the shrink has spoken, I chuckle and tell him he should have seen her attack on me in the bathroom before I was involved with Christian. Imagine what she will be like once she realizes he has moved in to me for now.
I kiss Anastasia and tell her it isn't just for now. I pull her into my lap.

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