A Cry In The Dark

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I am in a strange place, I can't see anything at all. I am scared that I am being held in a bigger closet. I feel things on my arms I cry out and hope I don't wake my parents. Suddenly people in white outfits are running towards me. I back up against the bed I am in.
Dr Grey
I just happened to be in duty when Anastasia woke up. I was called immediately and I came in and the poor child was scared out of her mind. I had the Steele's come in and as soon as mr Steele spoke to her she calmed down. Her eyes were still having troubles focusing. We had taken her intubation tube out long ago. She was breathing on her own and all her bones were healed. Every time a woman spoke she would back away. We had suspected the one who hurt her was a woman. Finally she calmed down when mr Steele told her we were here to help her. She finally realized that she was safe.
It took Anastasia a while before she realized that the women in her world were not going to hurt her. It was a sad thing to see, but she finally accepted hugs from both Ray and then me. We told her her new name was Anastasia Rose Steele. She was released a week after she woke up. She held onto her dictionary and her blanket. Her clothes were put into evidence and that is where they are at now. We brought her home in a child's car seat. She is very tiny and she has finally allowed me to care for her and dress her.
We have a room all decked out in girly things and books and clothing if all kinds. Analisa wanted a child but we couldn't have one after trying so hard we were told by doctors we never would have one, so Anastasia was like a Godsend. I have not seen Analisa so happy to sign the adoption papers until she was hugged by Analisa. We had dr Grey update her shots and she is released to go to school and we are sending her to school. We were given an birth certificate with a created birthdate so she could attend school. She had no idea what her birthdate was. It had our names placed on it. We have looked into her schools in Seattle.
Dr Grey
I was happy for the Steele's and they invested so much love, patience, time and money to help Anastasia out even knowing they might not be allowed to adopt her. But it turned out good kind people have taken home a very damaged child. I gave them a number to a therapist who takes all ages of patients. Dr Flynn is a good psychiatrist and can help her if she needs it. I hope she doesn't but the trauma she suffered was bad. She looked happy when she left with her new mother and father. It seems like it was just fate that put these three people together. Anastasia was a very brave child to have escaped an abusive home at such a young age. The Steele's owned a construction company and carpentry company. Both worked and had a good income.
Anastasia wasn't sure if she could touch anything in her room at first, but we assured her it was all hers. We showed her he bathroom with all her things in it. Then her clothes and her books. She smiled as I handed her the book she wanted. She sat on the floor and started reading right away. I pointed to her chair and her desk with a light on it and showed her how to turn it on. She decided to stay on the floor. We had left her room last on showing her the house.
I get videos of Anastasia's first day in her new room and she is scared at first to touch anything, but she finally asked for a book and we handed it to her and she sits on the carpet and starts reading the book. Analisa shows her her chair desk and light and her rocking chair. Then her toys and her clothing. Last was her bathroom and her bath supplies. I doubt she has ever learned to brush her teeth or much else. They had to cut her hair because it was so matted up and filthy. We kept it brushed out after it was washed. They had to sponge bathe her and it was not an easy task.
I was scared to touch anything but I was assured by my new parents that the things in the room were mine to do as I wished and it was a pretty room and it had a room with clothes in it and a room with a bath tub. I point at a book to read and they hand it to me. I sit in the soft carpet and start reading. My new mom shows me a desk and chair and the light and how to turn it on. Then my toys and the rocking chair. The bed is nice but too pretty to mess up. They tell me supper will be ready in an hour and point to the clock and shows me where the hands will be.
We have realized that she is still learning table manners and she watches our moves and tries to emulate them at this point. When we get her used to things we can catch her table habits and modify them as we go. Don't want to throw too much at. Raymond wants us to give her a birthday party and allow her to meet other children her age. We think it will get her ready for school.
Anastasia came to the dinner table and we place her in the booster seat and show her the eating utensils and then serve her food on her plate giving her what we think is what she can eat at this point. Dr Grey told us to adjust her food intake as she gets older and needs more. We were made a2are of how much she ate when we left, but that was due to her stomach not being able to handle the same a child her age or size right now.

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