A Moment To Remember

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All six of us enter the home that was once our first meeting was completed. Kate has done a wonderful job. She is still resisting holding her son for fear she will drop him. Elliott has been working hard to get her back to her original self. He has taken time off to assure everything is going well with his son and Kate. He has been seeing a psychiatrist regularly. He found out the reasons was he thought he was never good enough for Kate and her having his child would ensure they always had a connection to each other and he was not really able to express those feelings to her. He confided in all of us and he has more than made up for any thing he did and then some. Teddy had witnessed his anger that day and we hadn't realized it, until he finally told us that uncle Elliott scared him. We had to explain that it wasn't like Elliott and he would be back to his old self soon, he just needed to talk to someone before we could see him again. When Elliott brought David home and took time off to take care of him and then Kate we realized that he had changed or just needed to talk to someone to get to the bottom of why he lost it and was abusive in his words to Kate and then Kate's parents. Then me for talking to Kate. The house was like a shrine to Frank and me. It was sad until we met the housekeeper who told us that she was told I was dead and she started a charity that helped single mothers and children. She arranged to assure they were well educated and they were safe. She implemented a program that assured that things would never happen again regarding my living in fear regularly. Beth and I both liv3d in fear, but hers was from many people. Where mine was from someone who never had given me a mother's love.
I started talking and walking much better and I can hold David while sitting at this point. Elliott has been taking photos of every milestone. His first diaper change and feeding were taken by my parents and sent to all the family. A very graphic video of a first diaper change really? I can finally carry David, but he seems to want Elliott more but what baby wouldn't and I wasn't able to bond with him the way I should have been able. Anastasia was one of the six heirs to the Belleville estate. Honor would be proud of her six grandchildren. I ran into Samantha after she missed the wedding of her brothers wedding in Seattle. She had a daughter who looked a lot like Anastasia. She begged me not to tell anyone about little Aubrey Ann Reed. That is why I called mom and dad about my going to give birth soon. It was a good thing I did because needed them and in turn they got Elliott to come to the hospital. He took David back to Seattle and took time off to care for David. Now he has been taking care of me. He has no obligation to do so. We have been talking to a marriage counselor or a couples counselor. Who knows what we are but exes.
The attorneys are trying to get all of us to agree on an amicable split of the estate. The only one who doesn't want to argue about it is the one that met her grandmother. I noticed that there were no photos of our mother in the place. What we found out later is our mother was a horrible person. Our adoptive parents protected us from what Anastasia went through.
I just want all the arguing over about who gets what. I have enough money from my patents and my company without being bothered with an estate of someone I never knew about. The attorneys are trying hard to divide it all equally. There apparently was a life insurance policy.
Charles has his attorney come and look after my interest in the estate. Anastasia decided to buy our share of the value of the house. Which all of us agreed to. Beth and Barney made a separate deal with Anastasia.
Barney wanted to make a deal for the carriage house on the property and we did and got a nice home. A very nice home. We can use it for a lot of inventions. Anastasia said nothing that will explode.
I just took the money for my share in the house. We definitely have a big issue with her companies and her hones all over the world. Everything is going to take a long time to work out. We just need to get a good idea what the totals are and something tells me we haven't been given the full accounting of her estate. So we get a forensic accounting if everything and six months later we are called in and Honors management team, accountants and attorneys were all fired and arrested for stealing from her estate. The house luckily was not an issue but the properties all over the world were an issue. Cash and profits were being taken in nice chunks as they named bonuses. All properties were seized and by the estate and people were being removed from homes. I hated seeing the children having to leave the homes, but it was the parents fault.
Kate and I had a long talk and we decided to try again and continue counseling and both have decided we needed to see a psychiatrist regularly until we finally get on the same level again. I won't be eating lunch in dangerous places and she won't be taking risks again either. The Belleville heirs finally made the newspaper's, but their names were left out of it.
A year later we were married in a ceremony that included just immediate family. David was the ring bearer and Allison and Talia were flower toddlers. They were carried by both grandmothers. We soon have good news of a new grand baby arriving in the next eight months.
The Belleville estate finally got divided up. It wasn't exactly even but it worked out for all concerned.

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