Gia's Man

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I won't let him just leave me after what we had together. I am his soulmate and he belongs with me and no one else. I have spoken to my uncle Jack has promised me he would help me get Christian to the altar. He won't hesitate to marry me, if he does he will lose loved ones, one by one. Plus he will pay ransoms for each one and not get them back.
Jack Hyde
I have been waiting and watching Christian Grey after Gia told me that he scorned her after they spent a week together and she believes she is carrying his baby. I have waited and saw he has a new victim a very young beautiful woman. I might keep her as a trophy wife for myself. I suddenly feel a gun to my head.
Raymond Steele
If I told that you are screwing with dynamite would you believe me Hyde? I have been watching you and your niece and I now have the goods on you. You might have fooled the cops and the FBI about what your career is and that you are not the ring leader of the human trafficking for the whole United States. Money leaves a trail in this day and you haven't been smart enough to change your ways. You see the Lincoln's might have been doing the grunt work, but you and Gia were getting the biggest part of the money. You both are very obvious trying to use Christian Grey to make your dirty operations look clean. I knew as soon as I Gia on Christian's arm that you were not far behind. I send Jason Taylor a text and suddenly the car gets swarmed. Security was tripled on Anastasia and Christian. We had kept the witnesses to Jack Hyde and Gia Matteo being the leaders of the human trafficking in the United States hidden away. Gia was supposed to get Christian to marry her to make them both look like they were not guilty. After all he ran full background checks on them, but they had the sources to make up their backgrounds.
I am taken into custody and witnesses have identified me and my uncle as the leaders of the US human trafficking organization. I had no idea that Anastasia's parents were more than they appeared to be. I had no choice but to give up peacefully. I am Richard and Elena's daughter and Jack is Elena's brother. It was kept all in the family as they say. I lured our victims in and no one ever really saw me because I made myself invisible. Beth Steele was one witness we lost. Raymond Steele apparently kept digging into her history and my parents, the Morton's and the Rodriquez family. My siblings were clueless and it was true, but no one knew about me. Oh the many webs that were created and Christian Grey was being watched by us, and we were being watched by the Steele companies all over the world. The FBI has now gotten the final puzzle in place. Jack and I are now disposable.
Thanks for the heads up on all of this, it must have been hard for Analisa and you to know what was going on and having to deal with keeping Beth so well hidden for so long.
I knew that Anastasia would protect her and whoever they tried to hurt. Analisa knew who Gia was and what she had planned. We brought Anastasia in on the plan. Her getting involved with Christian was because she has always wanted to go out with him.
I can say she really does like him a lot. He returns the feelings as well. We need to definitely look at assuring our background checks are far more extensive. I could use your help on getting better background checks.
You can have our help, Analisa and Anastasia both know how they work. It won't take long to teach your staff and you the best way to uncover false backgrounds. We set a time up. The victims are in the tens of thousands and are living with the trauma or dead either by their captors or suicide.
I have hired a large group of security on Jason's and Rays suggestion after Jack Hyde and Gia Matteo were found. They were hidden in plain sight and we never knew who they really were. Elliott wanted a more thorough check on Denise Brown as well. Seeing how we have known Anastasia since Mia brought her into our lives along with her classmates from grade school. We don't really need back ground checks on them per se.
Jack and Gia would have started killing people or selling them off again including me, and then my family and whoever they could to get what they wanted and Christian was part of their plan. Dad always knew there was something and someone else pulling the strings. He knew that Carla and Stephen were part of it all. It wasn't just my murder they were found guilty of. My mom hated children, she had them to make money. If my father had not known about me I would have been sold as well. She had bad luck that my true father had been around when I was born. She could have forged my death certificate and sold me. But I ended up with great adoptive parents.
The idea that Gia was a Lincoln and her uncle is Jack Hyde and they were the master minds for the US trafficking organization. I could write a hard hitting expose on this, but not until it is all wrapped up in a bow. Dad would love it, but I think it would cause other victims and I am not willing to cause people pain by using their story to sell newspapers.
I think it is time to get sone food in us, we need it to keep our energy up.

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