Shelly Sues For Support

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I can't believe that Shelly Reed is suing me for child support. Dad is even laughing about this story. Her adopted son might look like me, but we ran a DNA after she introduced him during the family get together. She might be working at GEH Seattle, but she was working at GEH in New York and was transferred to Seattle at her request. She is not allowed any contact at all with me after she pulled some shenanigans at the New York office. It was a sight to see after returning to Seattle. I got news of it, but I was pretty busy with my beautiful family when she claims I got her pregnant. She needs to use that vivid imagination of hers to write fiction. She apparently forgot we ran background checks on her every time an employee transfers to another branch or state. The boy is not mine or her natural child. She found him in an orphanage. He is a dead ringer for me at the same age. But we found out something odd and did the research after finding out he wasn't my child. But we found out somewhere I have a sixth cousin who is the boys father. But I get my looks from my mother and all her family has passed away. We eventually find out that the boys mother is still alive. He was kidnapped. The FBI has been working on the case for two years. Shelly has a lot of explaining to do. I am not ready to fire her yet. We need to keep eyes on her and to do that she needs to be watched at GEH. We are giving her assignments that don't cause any issues with GEH. I do stay at the penthouse, my family does though. She has been caught more than once trying to get to the penthouse. Mia and Ethan caught her in the freight elevator and they locked it so she couldn't get inside the penthouse. Any freight arriving at the penthouse has to be called ahead and they have to have verification by phone before they can enter the penthouse.
Dad is all over me regarding this huge lie. He wants to have me put in a mental institution. I am keeping my mouth shut.
I have had this worry most of my children's lives and now they have lost it. I never told anyone how Eve had died and I don't think I could or should at this point tell my daughters that her mental illness finally killed her. It started when they started their cycles. Something causes a disassociation in their minds. My sons being male don't suffer the same infliction. Shelly has lost her mind like her mother did. She hid our children from me and I hired staff to assure it didn't happen again. When the girls started showing the same symptoms I started taking them to the psychiatrist. People have asked me why I keep a tight grip on m children, this is why. My wife finally killed herself over a wrong phone call. A woman called and asked for someone else and she accused me of cheating on her. She was not believing me or the woman either. The number was off by one of the the real guy she was trying to reach. Even that hadn't convinced her. Eve took a whole bottle of Vicodin before I could get to her, but I didn't know it. She had picked the pills up that morning and she hid the empty bottle. I had the staff remove the children before the ambulance arrived. She died before they could get her to the ER. There was not enough charcoal in the world that could have saved her after thirty Vicodin. She was very subtly taking the pills.each trip to the bathroom until she stopped coming out of the bathroom. I have suggested that Shelly be hospitalized. We have to find out if she had kidnapped the boy or not. I think that she had something to do with it. She is being questioned and the paternity suit was dropped by her attorney. Why take it any further. She is not the mother and Christian isn't the father.
The FBI agents
Agent Farmer
We still have the missing child reports and the mother was found dead after committing suicide. She couldn't live knowing someone might be doing awful things to her son. The only living relative of this boy is a sixth or seventh cousin and it turns out he was being sued for child support by the woman who said she had adopted the boy. Christian Reed was never legally adopted anywhere. We found out that he was kidnapped by an employee of miss Shelly Reed. We arrested her and contacted mr Christian Grey who she was suing for child support that pretty much told us what we needed to know. He and his wife decided to raise him and adopt him.
Dad made sure that Aubrey was given to her father to raise. He helped Scott get full custody of her from me. I decided that no one can have her if I can't and they caught me before I could kill her. They had me taken to the psychiatric hospital. I made a run for it and was hit by a speeding car. My last view was people saying I am sorry she is dead sir. She came out of nowhere and I couldn't stop at all. I am laughing at everything. I think this is where Shelly is at. I should haunt her for telling dad about us having children and hiding them from everyone. I float around until I find the snitch and watch as fear grows in her eyes. Be afraid Shelly be very afraid you snitch. The guard is bringing something to calm her down. I see her eyes get dull, but she can still see and hear me.

The end I hope you enjoyed it.

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