An Easter Surprise

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We have had a fun day at church today they had an Easter egg hunt and I found a few prizes and it was fun, but I also learned about Jesus rising from the dead after three days. He was crucified and we are blessed because he gave his life to save us. Okay I don't really understand it fully, maybe one day soon I will. I noticed my parents and Mia's parents were dismayed at two adults attending church today and sat in our pew. They scared me like my old mom did just by being in my proximity. I noticed the woman eyeing the young boys in the church. Something very bad about these two. I have to stay far away from them. The woman caught me watching her and she tried to talk to me, but I held mommy and daddy tightly. They made excuses and took me away from the man and woman. The Grey family followed us out and spoke to dad and mom. They asked what had happened and I told them that the woman was looking at the young boys and teenagers very strangely and licking her lips in an odd manner.
I knew that woman was strange, but when Anastasia was approached by mrs Lincoln she grabbed hold of me and Analisa and was shaking we took her out of the church and the Grey family followed us out. We told them what Anastasia had said about mrs Lincoln and that she was eyeing the boys and teenage boys in particular and she caught Anastasia watching her. And when she approached her she started shaking in fear.
I hope they aren't becoming members of the church, because I won't continue coming here if they do. Anastasia has been through too much already. I see the Lincoln's headed our way and I tell the Greys goodbye and we will talk later. We get Anastasia in our arms and find our vehicle and leave.
I look and the Lincoln's are head3d our way and I tell the children to get in the car and we drive off before they can get to us and I can tell they knew we wanted nothing to do with them. I wasn't the only one that noticed that Elena was checking out the boys both teens and other wise. Her licking her lips and especially when looking at Elliott and Christian. I pointed it out to Carrick and then I saw Anastasia watching Elena in fear. Elena noticed it and tried to talk to her but Anastasia held onto her parents in fear and when they left we followed them out at my insistence. The boys had noticed her watching them as well. Mia also pointed it out.
We can run a background check on them and make sure we have nothing to do with them at all. I thought they were asking too many questions about our children for a couple who have no children. Questions that I refused to answer and yet they tried to get my more information about their school and it's location and I shut it down and told her for security reasons we don't tell anyone where our children attend school. I asked them why they were asking so many questions about our children anyway. That is when we recommended they be escorted back to their car. I told security to never allow them onto the property again. Ray told me he had them turned away when they tried to visit them on Christmas Day.
I told the Greys anyone visiting their neighbors to meet them on Christmas Day is up to no good. No one disturbs families on holidays just to meet their neighbors, I think they were getting the lay of the land and trying to find out how many people lived in the homes. They also are looking for something. But they are definitely not good people. Now we know something is definitely wrong with them. We didn't even have security working our gates because we were not having guests. We had turned off the bell to the gate but kept the alarms on and the cctv cameras on them at all times. They said something but we couldn't make it out. Then they drove across the street to another neighbors house. We watched as they drove up the driveway after the gates swung open. We had never met the family across from us yet. They were very reclusive and I know they have children who are homeschooled. Well we were given their mail in error and that is how I found out about the homeschooling. I see them occasionally and their sons. I wonder why they allowed the Lincoln's inside the gates though.
The gate security called us suddenly and told us we had people wishing to come in and discuss what happened at church and we told them to leave and not bother us again because they scared our child. Security asked them to leave and to not come back. At first they tried to get a message to us, but the guard threatened to call the cops and they left immediately.
Can you stop drooling over boys in front of everyone. That little girl caught you doing it and you scared her senseless. You are putting us in danger of being found out these people didn't get to where they are by being dumb and blind. They have security and their security are not idiots either. We got through one gate and they were the family that homeschooled their family. But you don't like swarthy looking boys and I don't like them either and I like the fair ones. Mia and Anastasia for instance.
You are seriously thinking of going younger than you usually do or are you hoping to find a few that look like them? Or are you thinking of adding them to the shipment?
No I am just rambling about the type I like and hoping you find someone from the salon you are opening up. That's all.

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