A Very Merry Christmas

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The tree is great and we all have given each other Christmas gifts. Anastasia made hers and they are beautifully made. A photo of us in a a cell phone screen protector glued to a cardboard and a cloth edging. She created a stand out of cardboard as well. It was well made.
And I have made things for Anastasia as well. But we bought her more advanced books. We of course bought her something special. We bought her a bicycle and the safety gear. We spend time teaching her to ride the bike. She finally got it together and began riding it on her own. We celebrated with our favorite Christmas cookies and hot chocolate.
I loved today, I hope this continues and my real mom doesn't take me from mommy and daddy. I have nightmares that they will come for me and take me from my mommy and daddy the ones who treat me with love and kindness. Plus I have made friends and learned so much. I am happy where I am and I have a nanny and security to assure I am safe. Plus I can go out and play. I have a beautiful bed and there are no locks on my bedroom closet or a door blocking my windows in my bedroom. Plus I don't get injured by them for just being alive. They don't raise their voices when telling me I did something wrong or misbehaved, they have never hit me at all. They calmly tell me what I need to stop doing and ask me not to do it again. I get time outs and sit quietly for a amount of time. I get to think about what they have told me and I am asked why they imposed my punishment upon me and repeat why and all is forgiven. I definitely made the right choice to pack up and leave my mother and stepfather. The car was another stroke of luck. Now if I can just get to 18 and keep under the radar so my enemies can't find me before that age I will be blessed truly.
New Years Eve
Another thing I learned is that people celebrated a new year and made resolutions. I don't know what I want to do better about, but I think learning more about the world that I was kept out of for so long. The more I read about it the more I wanted to read about the world and holidays was one of the many things I learned about. I had to be taken to the dentist, he scared me coming at me with those metal things but mom or dad was there holding my hand. I lost my baby teeth and heard about tooth fairies and the fairy leaving me money in place of my lost baby teeth. I put the money with my pennies and my allowance in my bank account that my mom and dad sat up for me. I put money aside for my escape as well. I hid it well I taped it up in a plastic bag under my bottom mattress.
There is no doubt Anastasia is squirreling away her just in case money. I recall her pennies in her meager belongings that she held on tightly to as we brought her home with us. We are going to make sure she feels safe with us. There is no doubt in my mind her so called parents or at least her abuser is still alive out there. I make sure no photos of her get into the newspaper ever. I met Eamon Kavanagh of Kavanagh Media and he assured me they would never release a photo of Anastasia after hearing her story. Kate his daughter is friends with Anastasia and she helps Kate on some lessons.
We have made sure no one gets a photo of Anastasia to publicize anywhere. We have to keep her out of the papers. We are sure by her behavior and the nightmares that her abusers/parents are still out there and very much alive. They just knew filing a missing child report would bring criminal charges against them. I am hoping they are in prison for what they did to Anastasia. Who knows it would serve them right if they were thought to have killed her and are serving time for it. She could have easily died from her injuries had she not hid in our car and chose to get out of it and passed out. We bless the day she crawled out of our car and we chose to chase the ambulance to the hospital.
We have had a good Christmas and everyone was settled in for the evening when we get a call from the security gate that our neighbors were wanting to speak to us. I asked what they wanted?
Richard Lincoln
We made up the excuse of asking about their internet and cable provider and how they liked it. But Elena just said we wanted to introduce ourselves to them.
I had learned that a doctor and an attorney lived next door to us. Both owned their own practices and they had three children two very nice looking boys had gotten off the bus from a very prestigious school. We were allowed to come inside the gate and were escorted by security to the house. Our car was searched and so were we, the security staff said they always do this to strangers before they allow them onto the property. I had saw photos of the Greys in several society pages regarding charity events she hosted.
Aren't they the neighbors Ray warned us about and how very strange they would want to introduce themselves on Christmas evening of all days. The house is clean and everything is put up. The children are down for the night, well in their rooms and bathed and brushed their teeth and said prayers. I doubt they are asleep.
We greet the neighbors at the door and one of the security has came up with them in the enclosed cart and he will remain in the room with us, as per our instructions. Introductions were made and Ray nailed it they are very odd. Elena Lincoln looked like a blowup doll gone wrong. Plus if her outfit were any tighter it would split with a deep breath. Her cleavage was nearly showing her nipples and the skirt was so short I thought she was trying to show Carrick her private parts. Richard Lincoln reminded me of a weasel and he tried to set up an activity with Carrick. Elena attempted but I told her that I had too much on my plate to schedule anything superfluous. Finally we hinted at them to leave, but they just couldn't get it through their heads or refused to, I think the latter. We had already agreed not to offer them any beverage or anything at all. They kept trying to get a drink or go to the restroom. The restroom was something I will immediately thoroughly clean it.
They were not impressed with us at all. We definitely are not welcome in their home. I am not going to meet anyone in this area again. We have visited many people today and the Greys were the last ones on the list of neighbors I am going to meet.
Well I am not giving up on meeting our neighbors so we can gain social status. It will be good for both of our businesses.
More like you wanted to find out who had teenagers in their home and thought you could check them out. Don't forget to be discreet Elena.

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