Braxton What?

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I have been to the hospital three times with Braxton Hicks contractions and oh Lord help me if the real labor pains hurt more than these, then knock my ass out. C section please. Unfortunately the labor pains came after my water broke in the middle of dinner at Christian's Mile High Club celebrating my parents wedding anniversary. Ella and Edward were born in Christian's office and we were taken directly to the hospital afterward. Ethan was taken to the hospital for a concussion after slipping on the spot where my water broke as he was trying to help me. Mom had to call for two ambulances. Of course I and Ethan made the front pages somehow.
I tried to get to Mia but nice her water broke I slid in it and hit my head against the bathroom door. I saw it in slow motion and everything went black. I woke up at the hospital laying in a bed next to Mia and our babies were born, I was thinking I was seeing double at first. But Ella and Edward were born at the Mile High Club in Christian's office. Grace rode with me in the ambulance and Mia's security rode with her and had a police escort to the hospital along with three other cars with bodyguards in them. We had guards watching after us and the babies. I was released, but allowed to stay with Mia until we left two days later. Elliott took my keys to our house and added more in the nursery for the extra baby we had.
I can't believe we finally have grandchildren. We got a lot of photos of them. We have photos and videos of Ethan trying to help Mia with background music. I don't know who did it but I suspect it was Oscar Linden. It has a great sense of humor and comic genius. Add to it he is a genius as well. After I found out Ethan had a mild concussion I had to laugh about how the events played out. I saved the videos to view later.
The babies were tiny but beautiful. We were all holding them.
I watch as they rush Ethan to get a ct of his head. We found out he had a mild concussion and he woke up soon after in the bed by Mia. No one knew they were having twins even the OB was shocked. She can't charge for delivering the babies. Grace delivered them. We men who were conscious were made errand boys. The first errand was to get someone to mop up the floor outside the restrooms. Next was to get two clean table cloths to wrap up the babies until the EMTS arrived with something to keep them warm. It was a night to remember indeed. Kate and Elliott were talking about something that happened just before they arrived to see the babies. I don't think it was a good thing. I am sure they will tell us what is going on soon. Pictures are being taken by everyone. Enid has a lot of bragging material by now.
Ethan was lucky to have just got a concussion and nothing else. Mia had her twins so quickly we barely got her into Christian's office. Luckily his sofa was also a bed and there were sheets and blankets. Then they got me freshly laundered linen tablecloths. We used those to wrap the babies in along with using the towels in his bathroom. It was quick and I was able to clean them up and the EMTS cleared them up the rest of the way. Security and I rode with them to the hospital. Mia held both of her babies in her arms while they were all being checked.
We all head to the hospital to be with Mia in one ambulance and Ethan in the other one. My driver is keeping up with them it is like a swat parade as the rest of the family are right behind us. All keeping up with the ambulances. Love trained drivers and our license plates with Grey and a number on it. Christian insisted on us having bulletproof cars and bought them. Our drivers are fully trained to avoid danger. The twins were doing well once they were thoroughly cleaned up. Tiny but healthy. Everyone finally got to hold them two hours later. The tests they ran were done quickly with Grace leading the doctors and nurses to get things done very quickly. Security had to be with them at all times. After everything that has happened I don't mind my son being overprotective of us.
I watch as Anastasia holds Ella and think soon we will talk about another child. Hopefully a little girl that looks like her and can be daddy's princess. Kate is looking at Elliott and watching him play with Edward. He loves children, but I think Kate isn't ready for children but he definitely is. I wanted children as soon as I could with Anastasia and I would love to have another one soon. She wants to wait until Teddy is potty trained. I am concentrating on getting that done.
I can't help myself I love babies and my two foot wrecking machine at home. We childproofed the home, but one can never be fully childproofed. Smart children find a way to overcome it all. Teddy learned how to open the gates up. His climbing out of his crib shocked us. A child that couldn't walk yet was climbing out of his bed? How is that possible? We found out how. Camera footage shows us that he could stand but not walk yet. We had him walking within two weeks after that. His nanny was terminated and we went with a manny. We discovered her visiting our bedroom. I don't even want to think what she was doing in our bedroom. She swung both ways and hoped to become more to us both. Not happening. We had to replace our clothing. Well certain clothing.
Elliott wants us to get pregnant soon, but I don't want the honeymoon to be over just yet. He loves Teddy and he is holding Ella and then Edward. He will definitely make a good father. I know we are going to have the baby discussion again. I agreed to a creating baby two years after our marriage. We have pictures of Teddy and us and a lot of Elliott and Teddy. Now we will have us and Ella and Edward and more of Elliott with them. Mom and dad are giving not so subtle hints for me to give them grandchildren. Elliott had a huge grin on his face about that, me not so much.
I think all the grandparents are on my side about having babies and hers has brought it up and asked when we will be giving them grandchildren. My parents just sat back and snorted. I have a huge smile on my face. Everything is going great and we finally get to our penthouse and I have things on my mind and it isn't going to happen. No practice baby making tonight. She went straight to bed after she got through her nightly beauty regime. That won't stop me. I have my ways. Soon her facial is wiped off and I have worn her out completely.
Nothing stops Elliott from having sex with me and once he gats started my libido kicks in and it is a free for all. I don't have the will to fight him off. He has a way with getting me to do what he wants to do. I always end up very satisfied. Our first date was proof of how he easily got women. I am his second steady girlfriend. He won't tell me what happened to the first steady girlfriend. Then we had sex in the water by Christian's boat and continued in Elliott's bedroom on the boat. Anastasia and Christian followed suit in his bedroom. She told me they didn't have sex in the water, but they did in his bedroom on the boat and in his penthouse.

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