Chapter 15

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Isabella's pov

I'm currently sitting in the bride's room and all the maids are helping me getting ready.

I'm still not mentally prepared for it. I don't know what will happen.

Currently they are doing my make up and fixing my veil. My hair is done. Shoes done. Nails done. I don't know if anything is left.

It almost done because they did a light makeup. They fix the veil in front of my face and about to leave the room when there comes the maid that keeps stare me with death glaces.

She come towards me like a tornado and started shouting. " How dare you think of taking my place. Zane only belongs to me. When you were busy in different things he came and fucked me every single time. He loves me and he will only love me. Even I'm pregnant with his child. It's all because of you bitch. You black magiced on him, right? Once he get to know he will throw you out of this house."

She finished and took a long breath and now dragged out of the room by the other maids.

Here I'm thinking that how big player he is. He even have his heir ready in her belly and want to marry me instead of her. Shameless bastard.

Third person pov

*Piano playing*

A big door that lead to the way of aisle.

Bride holding hand of and old man walking down the aisle. People here are wispering about how beautiful the bride look and how thick the veil is that the can't even see the structure of her face.

They have reached the alter and there standing Zane comes and takes bride's hand in his hand. He feels little unfamiliar with the touch.

They both standing infront of each other. The priest starts with the consent of Isabella.

"Do you take Zane as your husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

Nothing can be heard. All silence is here to hear her voice but it didn't came out. Zane in anger tooks the gun out pointing it to anothny who is already covered in blood.

But bride still didn't said anything and  didn't even reacted towards her friend.

At last Zane's patience is running out and he pulled the veil off her. Everyone in the room was shocked and the person most was zane seeing that the bride isn't his Bella.

It's Amy. His blood boils and he pointed his gun on her. Here comes the fedrick running towards them to save his daughter.

"Please leave her Mr. King I beg you. She is inocent , she did all this on my command. Please let her go"

"Where is Isabella?"

"She is with my mens. I will give them a call and they will bring her back safely. I promise now please let my daughter go"

"Call them now" Zane shouted like a lion roars.

Fedrick started to take out his phone from his shaking hands. He ring a bell and put the phone near his ear.

"Put the call on speaker" he instructed.

"Hello john listen the girl , bring her back to the place from where I told you to pick her"

"Sorry boss but you paid money for only to pick up not to drop anywhere so I don't think so this is possible but you know right now me and my gang is going to be very busy with this girl. She is so hot that I can't control anymore. And after using her I'm going to throw her in any near by garbage stand then you can pick her up. Bye"

The last statement makes Zane turn into his monster Avatar which he is hiding for so long.

"Trace him and get the cars and weapons ready. I'm going to rip this bastard's skin." Zane said walking out side the hall.

Isabella's pov


I'm sitting in my room thinking about the man who I'm gonna marry in few hours.

Suddenly the windows of the room banged open. I look there to see an old man getting inside the the room through it. Behind him is Amy wearing a white gown as same as mine.

"Look little girl, I get to know that Mr. Zane is forcing you to marry him. I here as an angel for you. I can save you. All you have to do is to get inside that car and he will drop you where you want to go. Now hurry we don't have enough time." Said the old man.

"Thank you so much" I said while trying to get out of the window.

I jumped out of the window with long veil on my face. I lift the veil up so I can see things properly.

I ran towards the car and opened the passanger seat. I sit down and beside me is a man with long blonde hair and thick beard. He is wearing a Hawaii shirt and blue jeans.

He's eyes are traveling all over my body. I pulled my veil cloth on the exposed skin.

Why did he made the dress this exposed? But now I don't care after few hours I'll be home again.

Driver started the engine and drived on the straight road with uttering a word.

I told him the address and his just nodded. Time passes sitting watching the view outside the window when driver's phone rings and he answered.

"Hey bro I'm on the way get the boys ready because I got a delicious dinner for us" with that he cut the phone and keep driving.

I have no idea what they were talking about but I'm happy that finally I'll be back in my daily routine. But my happiness didn't last longer when I heard his word on the second phone call from something like his boss.

And now I'm again in trouble because there standing a group of boys starring at me like I'm there's prey.

God help me

Flashback ends
Date 19 Sept'22
Word count 1008

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