Chapter 39

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After shooting the guy right in the middle of these eyebrows, Zane pulled Bella back with himself into the car while hiding her view from the dead body.

Bella kept her eyes shut as she knew she couldn't handle the view of that as the last time it gave her a little trauma

They got seated and Zane started to drive after taking a u-turn getting back to his gang who were waiting for their arrival.

As soon as they arrive, they exchange the cars and get into another one as it'll make it difficult for them to track them. Bella got in the back seat while Zane went to the passenger seat, the car was driven by another member.

They were silent for a few moments until some cars started chasing them with weapons firing at them.

They were driving through a non civilian ruins that's when a bullet punctured a tire making it collide with the entrance of a ruined house.

Bella bent down so that she wouldn't get hurt. She peeked with her eyes to see her husband shooting bullets fearlessly.

Soon the sound stopped. She heard Zane discuss with the other person in the car

"I think they are out of mag. We have time for cover. Run the other way"

The other one got out and ran in the direction ruins Vally. Bella felt a grip on her hand, she looked to find him who was looking at her with pity.

"Baby we have less time, we need to run stay in my cover," he said and pulled her in the front of his lap.

He pulled out his gun loaded it opened the door and slightly pushed her indicating her to run out.

Bella got out of the car and ran inside that house through the big no-door entrance. Soon covering her back Zane ran behind her.

After they went inside, wrapped his hand around Bella while grabbing the gun in his other hand. Soon the sound of footsteps getting closer echoed in the house.

Shivers started to run all over Bella's body thinking this might be their last chance. Suddenly Bella was pushed toward a wall by Zane as he started shooting in front.

Bella crawled away from them and that's when she saw another enemy climbing up the wall that was just behind Zane. She saw a shining metal weapon in his hand and she knew he was gonna harm him so she indicated him but it was too late that man jumped over Zane and they both got busy in a muscle fight.

Meanwhile, Bella who was sitting on the floor, praying for Zane's win and crawling away from the sound so she wouldn't get hurt heard two heavy footsteps of a man.

She turned around to see two men pointing heavy-arm weapons at Zane as he was busy in a fight. One tried getting close to Bella that's when suddenly blood drop scattered on Bella's face as the man who was getting near her dropped dead on the spot.

The other one also fell into deep sleep after getting another shot from behind. Bella looked in the direction to see Zane's gang 2 members standing there.

Suddenly there was a bone-cracking sound, she turned around to see that her head turned 360⁰ and was lying lifelessly on the floor.

Zane walked towards her hand pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and started wiping blood stains from her face while kneeling in front of her.

That's when suddenly a thing came up tossing on the floor, more like a can but not the juice one. And then suddenly Zane tried to pull me away but it was too late as they realized the poisonous smoke that made everyone drift into a deep sleep, falling on the ground.

Soon after everyone got unconscious a group of a man wearing anti-pollution masks came and picked them up loaded them into their car and drove away.

Soon time skipped to 2 hours, Bella was sleeping soundly and she could feel the soft mattress touching her skin as she dipped herself more into it.

Slowly she gains consciousness with her eyes being difficult to open. She tried harder and saw she was in a room that was unfamiliar to her.

Everything was normal until she saw her portraits on the wall. She felt a shiver run down her spine in fear of thinking that it couldn't be true.

'I can't be in Anthony's bed!'

She got up immediately from the lying position sat on the bed and looked around to see her husband tied up on a chair with chains.

She ran down from her bed toward him but something in her leg stopped her with a jerk that made her fall on the ground.

She looked back to see chains tied up to her leg. Tears started to fall from her eyes as he started calling his name more like screaming.

But before he can wake up someone else takes the presence in the room and it was none other than Anthony.

"Why screaming baby? I'm here"

Bella as soon as she saw him started crawling back but Anthony also started moving forward toward her.

He grabbed her by her arms and pushed her to the bed. Bella crawls to Beck until her back hits the headboard.

"Now let's begin our game until your husband wakes up," he said in a whisper tone moving towards her like a hunter towards its prey.

Bella covered her body and face with her arms and turned her head away in fear while sobbing was echoing in the room.

"Be a man and fight with me, let's see if you deserve her!"

Vote comment share Date 18 May'24

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