~Chapter 42 Teasing Siblings and Guessing Games~

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A/N remember when i said i liked Thursdays? :)


The purple clad entered her flower adorned treehouse. Finding her sisters upstairs, the pink clad sprawled across her bed and the green clad resting against a bean bag lazily. She seemed to be intaking the immeasurable complaining their overdramatic sister loved to do.

Making her way upstairs, Eleanor must've noticed her, so she greeted them. "Hi, guys." She waved, a nice smile etched on her face.

The thought of the previous moment ending too soon, still fresh in her mind. She attempted to barricade the intrusive thoughts.

"Sup, Netta?" Eleanor said easily, waving.

"What'd you guys call me here for?"

Brittany's eyebrows furrowed  "Oh, I'd ask what's with the attitude, but I get it." She smirked, causing a confused Eleanor and Jeanette to take form.

"What're you on about now Brittany?" Eleanor questioned, rolling her eyes.

"Oh nothing," Brittany stared down at her neatly manicured nails before going on. "Just that I had to stop Jeanette and Simon from their romantic affairs for something more important."

"You mean yourself? I completely understand why Jeanette is upset."

"Hey! I'm important too!" Brittany prodded her chest hard.

"Guys, I'm not upset. I just want to know why you called me over here." Jeanette sighed, hoping her sisters would lose interest in her for just a moment.

Brittany happily took out a bin from under her bed surprising both her sisters. She dumped it's contents onto her bed revealing a collection of prettily packaged envelopes.

"Was that always just there?" The green clad whispered to her oldest sister.

"These are letters by my secret admirer!" She announced, practically bouncing in her spot.

Eleanor's carried a befuddled look in her eyes. "Um... so why is Jeanette here?"

Said girl actually felt irked. She left her sweet moment with her beloved to talk about his brother with her sister? It was an irritating thought to have. But she knew she had to be there for her sister.

"Because, he left huge clues this time!" Brittany was psyched, and Jeanette knew she might or might not be walking on eggshells right now.

The fact that she now knew who Brittany's secret admirer was changed everything really. She wanted to help Brittany with all of her wits, but she couldn't outright expose Alvin. It'd just be the wrong thing to do.

Once they had started looking through the letters Jeanette saw the risks he'd taken. Was he desperate for attention, and why did he write the letters when he's so well known for asking girls out on the spot? It'd be a question that'd remain in her brain.

"Wow." Eleanor uttered.

"I know right!" Brittany gushed dramatically.

"Hey, Britt. Nice poem and all but what's he talking about here?" Eleanor pointed out the lines.

'It hurts to know you kissed another.'

"Oh my gosh, Brittany what did you do?!" Jeanette slightly panicked, grabbing onto the paper.

Eleanor stood not too far away from the two, watching the scene unfold in front of her.

"What's the big deal? Give it back!" Brittany whined at the emptiness in her hands.

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