Chap. 2: Spiderman

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Sakusa POV:

        I was freaking out! Why were my hands sticky!? I tried shaking them really hard then all of a sudden, BAM! A web shot out of my wrist! I couldn't help but start to shake. What was happening!?

"Hey Omi! Ya in there?", I heard my crush/best friend, Atsumu, say through the door whilst knocking.

"Uhhhh...yeah! Just give me a second! I very naked right now! Very very naked!" I yelled trying my best to sound like I wasn't embarrassed. Atsumu just laughed and continued walking. That's it, I'm done for.
I went back to getting rid of the web and cleaning my room up a little.

Once the room didn't look suspicious anymore, I yelled, "Come in!"

Atsumu walked in and teased, "Was it a boner? Don't worry I deal with those all the time. Nothin ta be embarrassed 'bout!" He winked making me blush again, god I hate that dude he can make me so flustered, well that was until he did something really stupid.

Atsumu reached over and slightly nudged my my pants down which was not what I was expecting him to do or how I wanted him to do it at all.

I slapped him.

"You horny fuck!", I yelled at him.
He rubbed his cheek while laughing,

"Yea sorry. But I was jus-" he stopped talking when I smacked him again.

"I swear to God, if you finish that sentence I will beat your ass."
He held up his hands in surrender,

"Okay okay. Anygays, ya have work right now! It's an emergency photoshoot!" He said waving goodbye.

I just nodded as he left the room and got ready for work.

When I left, I couldn't help thinking of the web/sticky situation. I guess I'll deal with that later. I had enough problems with school and work as it is... so I should probably focus on that.


When I arrived at my photoshoot room, Osamu was already there, getting his makeup ready.

"How's it going, bro?", I asked him.

He looked up from his phone, "Not bad, not bad. You?"

"It's okay," I lied.

Osamu raised an eyebrow at me,

"What's wrong?"

"Oh I don't know. What would you do if you got weird power things?", I asked sarcastically. I knew I sounded rude, but it didn't seem to bother Osamu, he was used to it by this point.

"Kiyo, stop talking about nonsense.", he sighed before continuing, "But yeah if I got powers or something like that I'd use it to my advantage. Like, being a suoerhero or something."

I thought about it for a moment, "Yeah I get what ya mean."

Then, we started getting to work. We finished taking the photos, then the manager came to inform us that the shoot was over. After that, we cleaned up and took our phones off our phones. We both put on our jackets and headed to the front of the building where my car was waiting.

"Bye Samu! Thanks for the...advise?'', I smiled and waved goodbye at him.

He rolled his eyes and smiled a bit, "Anytime, bro.", he replied as he waved to me and walked away.

The ride home was quiet except for the music playing throughout the car. Once I arrived back at campus, I got to work. My work.

I decided, I'm going to become a superhero. But if I was going to do that, I was going to make a disguise. So, I made a black and red spider-looking costume. It covered my entire body and covered my entire face. Plus, it wasn't too thick or wasn't too thin so it was easy to move around in.

I walked over to my dresser and looked at a picture of my dad, who passed away years ago. He always said, "With great powers comes great responsibilities."

Now, I just needed to think of a name...


Black night?


Spider Monkey?


Man Spider?



Yes! Spiderman has an excellent ring to it!

As soon as I was finished, I went back to my classes.


a/n: I like where this is going so far! I would've posted it last night but my gf insisted that I MUST sleep lol. anyways, I'm thinking of keeping these chapters short, so that way I update more often. Thank you for the reads on my other stories too! I honestly didn't think they would get that much, but hey! They did! Love yall! Bahhhhhhh.

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