Chap 15: The Black Cat is You!?

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Sakusa POV:

Me and Atsu had been living together for three months. Akio hasn't been around since we lost saw him so we figured he gave up. The dorms had been rebuilt, but me and Atsumu figured the apartment was better. We graduate in a week and we have a lot of plans. You see, I want to become a Sr. Photographer and propose to Atsumu. Atsumu says he wants to quit modeling and start art.

"EHHHHHH" Atsumu growled/whined. "What is it?" I asked, reading a book about new camera lenses coming out.

"School sucked today! We didn't draw or anything. We did a packet. A FUCKING PACKET!", he says, flopping on the couch.

I look over at him (I was sitting at the kitchen counter) and chuckle, "Well, I mean, it IS college Atsumu."

He grunts from under his hoodie and I laugh again. He's adorable when he acts all grumpy like that.

"I'm gonna go fold the laundry." I get up and head towards the dryer, taking the clothes out of it, and purring them in a hamper. I go and sit on the living room floor, and start folding the laundry. It was pretty peaceful... until I saw a black mask. And a black suit. This definitely looked suspicious. Then it clicked. I ran to the bathroom and went through the drawers, cabinets, everything. I found it. White, hair chalk.

"ATSUMU!" I say angrily. He comes running into the bathroom and looks around for what I was looking for. When he sees it, his eyes widen and he starts screaming my name like an idiot.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" I say, holding up the white chalk. He tries to grab it but I throw it away. "YOU'RE HIM! YOU'RE THE BLACK, FUCKING, CAT!!" I scream.

"I- I can explain-" He started saying. I cut him off, "What!? That you've been fucking lying to me!?" I yell. "How could you do this?! How could you not tell me?!" I yelled. He started shaking and tears were starting to form in his eyes.

"I just wanted to help you! One man can't save a city alone!" He said. I stared at him with disgust. "You're so selfish," I said softly. Atsu tried to speak again but I turned around and threw the door open, leaving the apartment. My heart was racing with anger. Why would you lie to me? I'm your boyfriend! Why would you lie...?


Atsumu POV:

I was shocked, scared, and heartbroken. I fell, right there on the bathroom floor. Sobbing, hyperventilating, and I couldn't get up or think straight. I thought he hated me... I felt like crying harder. I heard footsteps walking around. Oh no... I don't deserve him. No... No... Please let it be some kind of nightmare...

"Tsumu!? Oh my God, what happened!?" Osamu said, running over to me. "Why are you crying? What happened?" He asked. Tears kept falling from my face. I continued sobbing as Osamu carried me to the couch and set me down.

"He hates me!! Everything is my fault!" I cried. Osamu held me tight in his arms and I cried myself out. He sat me down and rubbed circles into my back. I cried into his chest for hours. I finally calmed down enough to speak. I felt so tired... Like if I spoke too loud I would break my bones.

"Wanna talk about it?", he asked gently. I nodded silently and he brought me in closer.

"So... I'm the Black Cat..." I said cautiously, not wanting Osamu to be mad at me either.

"Oh! I knew that." He said. "I- what!?" I exclaimed. "That was just my theory.", He said quickly. "The rest, well... It's just based on how much I loved you and how long I've known you. The way you acted." He explained.

I sighed and hugged him tight. "Thank you," I whispered.

"Of course," Osamu replied. We stayed like that for a while before I got up and stretched.

"I should get going, or I'll miss my bus," Samu said. I nodded and watched him leave with a wave of goodbye. I walked back to the front door and put on my shoes. I walked to the bedroom and went to bed. It feels a lot bigger when you're alone.


Sakusa POV:

I woke up in the guest room in Komori's parent's guest room. It took a minute for me to remember what happened yesterday. I rolled over and stared at the ceiling for a couple of seconds, trying to figure out what to do. I then got a call from Osamu. I answered immediately.

"Hello?", I answered.

He sniffled and said, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?"

"Osamu, please listen to me, okay?" I tried to reason.

He scoffed. "No. Tell me why you made my brother break down! He was fucking broken Sakusa! How the fuck can you be so cruel!"

I sighed. "...I guess I deserved that one," I replied. "Look... I know you don't understand. But-"

He interrupted, "NO! Don't give me excuses! Just tell me why."

"WHY?" He demanded. "Just tell me WHY Sakusa."

There was silence between us. I finally said, "He kept a big secret from me..." I whispered, my voice cracking.
He paused. "What kind of secret? Did he cheat on you, scam you, or play you?" He asked in a hushed tone. I shook my head. "Then he didn't deserve to be hurt like that. He never treats you badly."

That's when I realized; Osamu was right. I hurt Atsumu and he didn't deserve it. I hung up and ran to the door, putting on my shoes and jumping into my car. I drove as fast as I could to find the apartment. I needed to see him, make sure he was alright. When I pulled up in front of Atsumu's apartment, I practically jumped out of my car, running to our apartment. When I opened the door what I saw made me scared to my soul. Atsumu was lying on the floor, bleeding out from a stab wound in his abdomen...


A/n: Bum... Bum.... BUMMMMM!!! WHAT DO YALL  THINK HAPPENED!?!?!? IM REALLY GLAD TO FINALLY POST THIS LMAO!! LOVE YALL!! ((Also if yall could leave a star if you enjoy a chapter, that would be amazing, and don't be afraid to comment, I love all of you!!))

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