Chapter 8: Weirdness and Feelings

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Atsumu POV:

Me and Omi Omi have been dating for about a month now and I'm seeing new sides of him I never saw before. Some sides good, some just weird. For example, one day we are sitting on my couch watching the news about a robbery when suddenly Sakusa jumps up in a hurry and says, "I've gotta go."
He's out the door as quick as he came and I can't understand why. He never rushes like that unless there's danger or he's late for something. But the worst part is, he didn't return until the next day...


Sakusa POV:

I was at my apartment after defeating Rhino, but my Spider-Man suit wouldn't come off! The damn zipper was stuck! After 10 minutes of trying to get the zipper off, I figured I'd need help. So I went to Osamu's dorm and knocked on his window. I felt bad for waking him up but this was urgent. He finally opened the window and I bluntly blurted, "My zipper is stuck." I took my mask off and Osamu sighed and rolled his eyes, but helped me with the zipper anyways.

That's when the worst thing happened; Atsumu opened the door and was teary eyed. "Wait, Atsumu it's not what it looks like!" I said frantically. What? Was he crying because he thought I was cheating on him?! "Just...take good care of Osamu I guess..." Atsumu said, starting to close the door, but didn't finish before Osamu burst out laughing. Me and Atsumu both looked at him with shocked eyes.

"What's so funny?" Atsumu asked. "Oh nothing," Osamu answered with a sly smile, wiggling his eyebrows, which only served to make Atsumu even more confused. "Are you sure it was nothing?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I think, me...and Kiyoomi would ever be together!?" Osamu continued laughing harder and Atsumu glared at him, clearly offended. "That's low man and you know it! You better leave right now or I will shove you out the window!" I threatened. It worked; Osamu left quickly without another word.

Now all alone with Atsumu I couldn't stop myself from giggling again. "Hey, what's so funny?" he questioned. "You're ridiculous man, if you actually thought me and your brother would ever be together, you know," I laughed. "Yeah yeah whatever. Let's just watch TV real fast and forget about that idiot." "Fine by me," I agreed with a chuckle. "But let's go back to my dorm. you have any baggy clothes that might fit me?"


Atsumu POV:

Why was I so upset when I thought Osamu and Kiyoomi were hooking up? I cuddled into Kiyoomi as I was deep in thought. Maybe I was catching feelings? SHIT! I WAS CATCHING FEELINGS! I looked up at my Omi Omi and just kissed him.

Right then and there I decided I wanted to tell him how I felt. We broke apart and looked each other in the eye. "Hey, Omi..." I whispered. "Hmm?" He hummed softly and smiled. "Well I kinda realized I'm really in love with you, so..." My heart was racing and my face was on fire, but luckily my boyfriend wasn't going to say anything.

"I love you too, Atsumu~" he replied happily, giving me a gentle kiss. As I pulled away, I knew we were okay. Things were great between us.

Sorry this chapter is so short! I just thought that would be a cute place to end the chapter. I mean Atsumu and Sakusa are so content 🥺.

Here's a picture of Emo Sandy Squirrel I made. Anygays- bye yall!!

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