Chap. 5: The Kiss

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Atsumu POV:

It's been 3 months since Spiderman became a hero and honestly it's been amazing for the city. Though, other than doing photography for us, Omi has grown...more distant. We barely see him anymore. I try to keep in contact with my brother but he seems to be busy with work most of the time now so it just makes me feel worse that he doesn't even talk to me at all anymore. It hurts. My best friend and my brother have grown distant from me. So it's time to take drastic measures.

I went to the top of my Dad's headquarters building and yelled, "I'm here Spidey boy!" Then, I jumped. I'll admit it I was scared shitless. I regretted my decision halfway down when suddenly, I felt myself being held and I was failing straight down anymore. I wrapped my arms around the guy's neck and peeked up at him. There he was. Spiderman. He had saved me.

He didn't say anything but gently placed me on the ground before hanging himself upside down (like a spider) saying in a familiar voice, "Why would you do that?" I replied and whispered, "So I could do this..." I leaned in and pulled his mask up to the bridge of his nose so I wouldn't accidentally reveal his secret identity but still have access to his lips. I gently placed my lips against his, scared he would hate me. But that wasn't the case. I can still feel his breath against mine as we kissed. I closed my eyes tightly trying to make out what's going on. A second later the kiss broke. His lips turned up into a smile as he looked at me and said "You can trust me." He then disappeared. I sat there shocked. Not expecting this but also extremely glad I got this one chance. I slowly stood back up on my own two feet and began walking home after seeing nothing else happen.


Sakusa POV:

After swinging back into my apartment and changing, I started fangirling. Then I remembered, he kissed Spiderman. Not me. He likes Spiderman. Not me. Am I not pretty enough? Nice enough? The excitement I had suddenly vanished and all my insecurities sank in.


I went to the shower and turned the water temperature all the way up. I enjoyed the way it burned. The heat was comforting.

After showering and changing into my tank top and shorts, there was a knock on the door. I opened the door to see the one and only Miya Atsumu. I opened the door wider and invited him inside. He smiled and walked in closing the door behind him.

"You would not believe what happened!" he shouted excitedly.

"Try me," I said while leaning on the wall.

He ran over and sat next to me on my bed.

"So, you know how Spiderman has been saving people?" I nodded my head yes to show I knew what he was getting at.

"Well, he kissed me. Like actually kissed me." I think I felt my heart shatter in my chest. I got jealous, angry. "Wow, so now you just want spider dick. What was I expecting!? You just can't appreciate a good guy without wanting to fuck with him! God you are such a slut! How many people do you hook up with in a week!? 6! But no you had to go for someone bigger! Someone more important!"

"What do you mean?! It's not like you know everything about me! Yeah! Did you know got raped by 3 fucking guys 3 fucking ways for 3 fucking days!? Yeah! I choose who I fuck with now!"

The words poured out of his mouth, and he was tearing up. I felt like punching something or crying. My body was shaking and I could feel my heart beating fast again. The sound of him breaking down brought tears to my eyes too.

"I-I'm so-"

"Sorry!? Yeah! I'm sure yer are!" he exclaimed angrily wiping some tears away from his face.

There was silence until Atsumu spoke up again.

"I gotta get home. Sorry for bothering ya." he grabbed his stuff and left the room leaving me alone with my thoughts.


a/n: sorry for this short n sad chapter! i just got inspired to write a sad one based off scream 3. im watching scream 4 later. aight well bah bah!!!! love yall!! (Ik the photo above has Sakusa's mask off but it's not my art so just ignore it lol)

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