Chap. 17: Caught the Bad Guy

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Atsumu POV:

I was dragging myself around the apartment, trying to get my steps in. "Ughhhhh, this sucks. I'm in painnnn," I say, leaning against the counter. I had already showered and changed into clean clothes, but there was still no motivation to go anywhere.

Omi walks into the kitchen. "You look miserable. Are you not going out today?" he sks me as he grabs the coffee pot and fills it up.

"Nah. What fun would that be with you?" I joke, leaning against the counter again. I watch how Omi makes some coffee and put it into his mug, then grabs some sugar. Then, he looks like an angel as he sits by me at the table with one hand holding the cup while the other pours the hot liquid down his throat with ease.

He doesn't even seem to notice how many times I've looked at him. His face is blank like always. Not like I care much, mind you. It's just that I don't want him thinking about what happened earlier in our relationship.

That I was hurt.

His eyes are dark. It makes me feel guilty for lying. But it was necessary. To protect him.  If only he'd stop worrying... I sigh. "What'cha thinking so hard about, huh?" I ask him. He shrugs. I sigh again and continue, "It's really stupid."

Omi looks over at me. "What is?" he asks, turning around to face me properly and place the empty mug on the table before sitting on the edge of the seat next to me, facing me. My cheeks burn under his gaze, which made me think twice about opening my mouth. I stare into space for a bit, wondering if it's worth it. But Omi's waiting for an answer, and I don't want to make things awkward, so I just start talking.

"Me. I'm so weak and pathetic," I say with a self-deprecating chuckle. He looked frustrated; almost angry. "Miya, respectfully, shut the fuck up. You are amazing and if you doubt yourself again, I will literally strangle you," Omi said seriously. Then he smirked a little, his eyes softening after. "We both have weaknesses, Miya, we can acknowledge those too."

"But... I mean..." I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence. I felt so dumb right now. Why do I keep doing that shit?

Then, Omi kissed me softly on the forehead. "But nothing."

And he got off the chair. He grabbed his laptop and went into the living room. I guess we'll both spend the afternoon here.

5 Weeks Later

Sakusa POV:

It was currently 2:45 a.m. and I was swinging through the city, searching for Akio. That's when something caught my eye. There was a man chasing a woman into an alley. I immediately jumped into action and followed them. By the time I had caught up with them, he had already stabbed her a couple of times... in the same place he had stabbed Atsu... and she was bleeding heavily from the stomach. She probably wasn't conscious anymore. The man laughed. It was disgusting.

I kicked the guy hard in the chest. He fell flat on the ground, gasping for breath. As soon as his face hit the concrete,  I punched him again, in the head. And then another punch to the stomach, before kicking his legs. I could tell that he was barely holding onto consciousness anymore, blood dripping out of his nose. I knew that I would do him a favor by killing him, letting him go sleep forever. No, he deserved to suffer. When I turned around to catch my breath, I felt someone kick my back. I went flying forward. I landed painfully on my side and lay there.

The man I'd been fighting approached me slowly. Then he kneeled down by me, staring at me intensely. He leaned towards me and I could feel warm breath on my lips. He whispered, "How cute~"

When his face was close enough, I raised my knee and slammed it against his balls. Before he could fall over, I used my webs to web him to the wall. I then called the police and left a note, letting them know that this was the murderer on the loose. Then, I left.


Sorry for the short chapter!! I promise the next one WILL be longer, just please be patient. I am currently experiencing burn-out, so it is hard to keep pushing, but I am trying, I really am! Thank you to those people who have stuck with me since the very beginning of this story!!! Love yall!!

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