Chap 16: Hospital

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Sakusa POV:

I was speeding but I didn't care. I had Atsumu in the back seat, and I was trying to get to the nearest hospital, which seemed a lot harder than I thought it would be.

I eventually found a sign that read 'Hyogo Hospital'. "Oh thank God..." I muttered to myself. I continued speeding and ran in carrying Atsumu bridal style. "HELP! I NEED HELP!" I yelled, desperate for anyone to help. Some nurses ran over.

"Get him to the emergency room," the blonde one said. "Sir, I'm gonna need you to stay here and fill out some forms," The receptionist yelled over the nurses. I nodded and placed Atsumu on a gurney.

They wheeled him away, leaving me standing there in shock at what was happening. I had to show some ID, then the receptionist gave me a sticker that showed I was a visitor for a patient. I signed in and started following them to where I could see Atsumu being taken into surgery.

I walked into the waiting area and sat down. It felt like an eternity before they called for me, and I stood up slowly. "Mr. Sakusa!" An older woman with brown hair pulled into two high ponytails greeted me.

Her face was pale, she looked tired and stressed. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "Come with me." I followed her through some doors and she led me down a hallway to a small room. We took a few seats.

"What happened?" I asked, feeling nervous, because I knew this wasn't going to be good. She sighed, and her face fell further. "Your boyfriend's surgery was successful, but he will most likely have severe PTSD from this. And cops are gonna need to find out if someone stabbed him or... if he attempted suicide," she explained.

I stared at her, shocked beyond words. I wanted to punch something, scream and cry and shout all at once. Instead, tears welled in my eyes and threatened to fall. But I kept them there, I had no right to cry. "When can I see him?" I ask flatly. "He might be sleeping right now, but his room number is 237."

I hated the hospital. It was never a place of hope. It was a place of death. Yet here I was, walking to my boyfriend's hospital room because I left him all alone. I go on the elevator and press the number 2.

I don't think I've ever been more scared in my life. The door opens after only about a minute and I walk down the hallway toward Atsumu's room. He looks so peaceful. I stand there, watching him sleep. I reach a hand forward and gently brush some of his hair out of his face.

I wish he could wake up so I could tell him that everything was okay. I stroke his cheek and let my fingers slip into his hair again. His skin feels soft beneath them and my fingers tingle. My heart rate increases as my stomach starts doing flips. The butterflies make a comeback. Gosh, whenever I'm with Atsu, the butterflies are always there.

His eyes are groggy as he starts to wake up. "Oh, Atsu I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have left you like that all by yourself! This is all my fault! I'm sorry!" I start tearing up. "I'm sorry I love you so much...please don't hate me."

"Where is he...? Where's Akio?" He asks, slowly sitting up. "Akio!? Akio Akira!? He did this to you!?" I panic. "Yeah..." he answers. I feel anger rise within me as I remember how he had tried to attack us.

"Sakusa Kiyoomi. Calm down. I'm fine. I just... I need you to be here for me. Please... please don't run off again..." He started tearing up. "I won't, I promise. I won't leave you like this again," I promised, taking both his hands in mine. He squeezed tight. "Thank you." He says.

We both hug each other and I kiss him softly. I pull him closer and he wraps an arm around me, kissing the top of my head. We hold on to each other tightly for as long as we can. After a while, we hear voices coming down the hall. A person enters the room.

"Atsumu Miya. Your brother's here." A nurse says, quickly popping her head in the door and then leaving. I immediately get off of Atsumu and wipe his tear-stained cheeks. "Thank you," he says quietly, looking back up at me.

I nod and lean over, giving him a short peck on the lips. A couple of moments later, I hear a thump and look to see Osamu walking in. He walks past me and sits beside Atsumu. They talk and laugh, probably comforting each other for not finding their brother. After about 20 minutes, I see a doctor enter the room, and walk over to Atsumu, who fiddles with his fingers.

"Ah, you're awake. We can get you ready for your leave. This stabber, person, thing is going around to a bunch of other people too. Hopefully, the cops or that Spiderman guy catch him..." He mumbled as I got up. My knees shook, and my hands were cold. I followed the doctor down the halls, to his room. We waited outside while he talked to Atsumu, and I stared into space.

Eventually, he exited the room, and the doctor told me to follow. He lead us into another hall. "So I saw on Atsumu's file that you two live together?"

I nod.

"He'll need to take these meds daily," he said, handing me a brown paper bag that had pills in it. "They have the instructions in there."

I nod again.

The doctor walked away. I will never leave Atsu again. That's what I swore to myself.


A/n: I hope yall enjoyed this lil sweet chapter!! I'm sorry I'm so inactive, school is getting way more difficult, so I would like to say, I will be more inactive, but please don't leave, because I plan on this story getting to at least 30 (REAL) chapters and once it's summer break (which is in a month) I'll practically be spamming chapters. And for those of you who have stuck along, and stayed to read, thank you. I genuinely love all of you and I'm glad this book is getting a lot of reads. I mean, 4k!?!? Yall are so amazing!! Have a great and wonderful day!! Yours truly, the Gay Musketeer, signing off.

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